Back on A track.
Feeling sexy calm unfazed in public, ara works pretty good.
Im very health focussed now, getting sexual max performing. Its like a duty, a job.
My sense of self is very high, sexy and sexually professional.
My eyes have changed. 3 colours nowadays. Grey green and brown. Its weird lol
I truly feel enhanced. Women are no issue but a continuous supply yet im feeling like a pornstar. Girls light up everywhere I go and I hook up casually randomly. Like walking on the streets, girl comment back and we hook up.
Yesterday did follow some pornstars on instagram, my insta filled up after that, like pipelines fuelling up. It gives me an even bigger sense of flow. Its no longer an issye and see it as an fluid natural network with oppurtunity.
Im feeling so good. Loads of shifts taking place, the whole otherside. No procrastination. Rather radiating good sexy and sexual vibes.
Im leaning very strong towards body modification. Tattoos, piercings like snakebite piercings for example. Im pulled and attracted to that. Music makes me ecstatic. Huge fucking bliss, like almost campfire pornflick kind of stuff with the girl seducing you.
I have no clue. Huge ecstatic feelings wash over leaving me buzzin looking through the glasses of love to the world
To much going on. Loving A. Almost wrote "loving B" but am running A. Well, not now. Tonight again tho. My business drive and dissolving of "blockages" is ramping up gard again. Huge feeling of support, capability and balance of caring.
Feeling sexy calm unfazed in public, ara works pretty good.
Im very health focussed now, getting sexual max performing. Its like a duty, a job.
My sense of self is very high, sexy and sexually professional.
My eyes have changed. 3 colours nowadays. Grey green and brown. Its weird lol
I truly feel enhanced. Women are no issue but a continuous supply yet im feeling like a pornstar. Girls light up everywhere I go and I hook up casually randomly. Like walking on the streets, girl comment back and we hook up.
Yesterday did follow some pornstars on instagram, my insta filled up after that, like pipelines fuelling up. It gives me an even bigger sense of flow. Its no longer an issye and see it as an fluid natural network with oppurtunity.
Im feeling so good. Loads of shifts taking place, the whole otherside. No procrastination. Rather radiating good sexy and sexual vibes.
Im leaning very strong towards body modification. Tattoos, piercings like snakebite piercings for example. Im pulled and attracted to that. Music makes me ecstatic. Huge fucking bliss, like almost campfire pornflick kind of stuff with the girl seducing you.
I have no clue. Huge ecstatic feelings wash over leaving me buzzin looking through the glasses of love to the world

To much going on. Loving A. Almost wrote "loving B" but am running A. Well, not now. Tonight again tho. My business drive and dissolving of "blockages" is ramping up gard again. Huge feeling of support, capability and balance of caring.
The trials you encounter will introduce you to your strengths. - epictetus