(07-27-2016, 07:50 PM)maxx55 Wrote:(07-27-2016, 07:04 PM)bits Wrote:(07-27-2016, 09:40 AM)maxx55 Wrote: Just some suggestions for DMSI v3.
If it really could surpass results with pheromones that I've experienced and read about it'd truly be astounding.
I've personally experienced the following with pheromones:
-repeated glancing at me when in close proximity
-LONG obvious stares when passing by girls or if I'm in their sight (like 5-10 seconds)
-girls I haven't known that long texting me "where are you" if I'm not in class sitting next to them when class starts (result of imprinting)
-girls having dreams of almost having sex with me (told me herself. it was the result of imprinting)
-girls texting me first (result of imprinting)
-girls literally taking steps to be even closer to me if I take a step away from them
-going behind the back of their bf or fiance to try to have me in their life
-with me just standing still not doing anything, everyone greeting me as they walk by
-girls starting to playfully yet overtly touch me, including butt smacking
Awesome pheromone results I've read about:
-girls approaching a guy to directly express interest
-girls becoming obsessed with a guy, almost like a stalker, but no violence
-girls falling for a guy that has barely even spoken to them
I just want Shannon to have an idea of what recent (past 3 years) pheromone technology is capable of. With pheros, you can just put it on and within a week see consistent, noticeable benefits, a lot of times even the same day. It's instant gratification and it can be useful in the long run. The downside is it doesn't improve you as a person, but a lot of people don't really care if they're getting the result.
Since DMSI would take more time to kick in than a couple days for most users, the end result should be one that completely leaps past what pheromones are capable of. If DMSI triggered the kind of behavior I listed here on a daily basis, and more in the longer run, and resulted in repeated sex with hot women and awesome sexual relationships, pheromones would have a hell of a lot of catching up to do.
I think having DMSI have imprinting effects is important. It just seems to make everything more solid and results more consistent (at least with pheros).
I'd love to buy DMSI v3 and then realize that I can sell all of my pheros because they are obsolete
So far from the reports it seems DMSI is pretty close, reading journals users have reported women paying them more attention, staring, and smiling at them I think some guys just struggle to do anything with that or they want DMSI to reach the point where women approach, lead, and escalate towards sex. But even if it doesn't reach that point I think 90% of guys are capable once they see that when a woman looks at you like that she will at the MINIMUM enjoy you approaching and be flattered by it.
So far the DMSI journals look just like the pheromone CORE journals, many users easily get laid with that. Also the TAC effect seems to be in full swing (faster, easier, more intense orgasms for women) - that alone is worth the purchase for me since TAC is expensive.
Status seems to be in there too, people are reporting more respect from guys but if it could add a slight celebrity type effect like mx297 or barely legal then I think it would be better. Also a must have for the 9s and 10s of the world, even Brad Pitt couldn't get laid when he was starting out because some cities (like LA/NYC) are so status driven. I always double check to pack it when I go to those cities because while you can get 7s and 8s the 9s and 10s have billionaires and Hollywood actors chasing them so you need to standout somehow.
Imprinting and "fallout" effect would be nice to have too but if not this one is cheap to fix via zest high intensity soap
It's more rare and hard to find but can be purchased from amazon and ebay for about $6 per bar. It has the pheromone a1 but unlike dial magnetic they seem to use a more pure version that doesn't cause the depressive effects of a1 and lasts longer, almost 36 hours in my case.
If DMSI could have imprinting/fallout I think it would be better since the downside of a1 is that guys tend to avoid you, not good for use with your buddies or in a business environment but if you want to have a 5 minute conversation with a woman and have her dreaming and thinking of you for the next week theres nothing better
At this point I think DMSI is already equal to most pheromone blends if not better, pheromones you have to reapply, they lose their effect as time goes on, and some blends have a bad smell that you have to be sure to cover with cologne. DMSI is always with you, the aura wont fade (after enough use) and there is no smell. Also not to mention it can work at greater distance than pheromones, it will work outdoors, in wind, in the cold (pheromone oils suck at this), and much cheaper in the long run.
I'd rather not mess with mones for a while. I found some combinations that are pretty awesome, but it just seems like Shannon advances his technology faster than the pheromone companyies advance theirs. I think once he takes in more feedback and figures out what's missing or needs to be refined, he won't have an issue making an attraction sub that makes pheros a thing of the past.
Shannon wasn't joking when he said his aim is to turn the tables and have women become the pursuers. It does seem like some people are having more noticeable results, but it still isn't where most users want it to be (at least not at the moment, maybe with a couple months of usage it will be).
Personally, I've had plenty of the iois without any mones or anything that the majority of users are now reporting. At least in my experience, a smile, staring, or anything like that doesn't equal relationship/sex so I personally don't consider things like that as a substantial result for DMSI.
I would like to read more reports of DMSI users being approached for sex/relationship, asked out by girls, breaking out of friend zone with long time female friends, and just general sexy unpredictable shenanigans happening daily (like Minititan's makeout sesh at the restaurant). That sounds like kind of epic experience DMSI is aiming to achieve.
Well yea iois aren't everything but so far it seems most users are only going out to grocery stores, gyms and restaurants, not exactly IOI factories compared to something like bars/clubs/parties/college campuses/etc so I think it's worth mentioning if they notice.
The guys having the most success are Sickologist and frenchmagnet since they are the ones actually doing something with this IOIs and even cold approaching without IOIs. I'm still skeptical about having DMSI having women making all the moves, its just something most attractive women have never had to do because they have always gone for alphas who either dont care about rejection or have the balls to be rejected so they've sort of been socially conditioned that when they are attracted to a guy all they have to do is put their assets on display and he'll do the rest.
There is also the unfair burden society has faced on women regarding their sexuality, that if they chase after a guy it makes them look slutty and desperate. Not to mention men and women have different definitions for desperation, a guy chasing 1 girl around for 3 weeks and texting daily is desperate. If a girl laughs at too many of your jokes or replies to your text within 6 hours or texts you first too much she thinks shes desperate.
I have 2 chicks as roommates, both are attractive, living the "sex in the city" lifestyle, and very social. One works as a bottle girl, the others older brother owns a local hotspot so they go out a ton and every weekend I have to hear them and their friends say to each other "please please please dont let me do anything Ill regret" (aka please cock block for me) and a few times a year "I just need a good dicking so keep an eye out for me" (aka verify the guy isnt a creep and check up on me) but even on those nights when they seek random dick they're never the ones to intitaite things they're always passive even when horny. Except for the 2 fat ones in the group, those poor girls have to chase dick every weekend

Even when I've gone to bars/clubs with them and Ill ask which guy they like I'll go wing for them but even when they're totally gushing over a guy they play it very cool and passive and dont make moves. I know it's a small sample size, 2 roommates and about 8 of their close friends I know well enough but still.
But even if it doesn't get to that I think DMSI will be a winner, when they like a guy the only requirements are
1) that he not do something stupid like give a nazi salute or something
2) that he's not creepy/possessive/desperate
3) that their friends okay the guy as not being stupid/creepy/possessive
aside from that he can say/do anything, get pissed drunk, make a fool of himself, and even throw up in their car and they'll still bang him. Just a few weeks ago one guy got kicked out at 5 am because my roommate was annoyed by him, she didn't even give the guy a chance to collect his shoes because she couldn't tolerate his voice anymore.