So it is still a week till I start WM2.0 but this will be the last time I will have a good lot of time to be able to lay out the start of this journey.
AM has taken me a long way towards becoming a man. The amount I have grown up emotionally is huge and its a great testament to the power of AM and Shannon's subs
WM2.0 for me is not all about women in actual fact most of it isn't about women but about expanding the possibilities that currently restrict me from getting to where I want to be in life. Its about getting myself out of my own way and just letting me be me.
While I have made huge progress in some of these areas there's always room for improvement. So my goals for WM2.0 are
* Create a social circle like I've never experienced before - a social life where I know any day of the week if I feel like going out and catching up with people I know I have awesome people that I can catch up with
* Let go of feelings of jealousy - this was helped a lot with AM but I know this can go further
* Push past some of the invisible barriers that block me in life AKA fears (Shannon thank you for including fear destruction in there)
* Perceive and move into a life I could only dream of (both socially and in other areas of life)
* Be able to connect with people all around me. In actual fact this has started to happen lately but again I want to see how far this can go
* Build up a genuine interest in others while getting out of my own head and just being in the moment having fun
* Get rid of the last of my social anxiety
* Be able to emotionally connect with many women without getting needy (i.e. without making them more important than anything else) - This was helped by AM but more in a way that I don't connect emotionally instead have a dedication to my work and life and I do miss having that emotional connection there
* Quality, Quality, Quality. Get quality girls in my life. By quality I mean high genuine self confidence and self esteem more than anything else. Mid way through AM I was attracting a few girls but none of quality. This has changed a little in the last few weeks with the refresher.
* Flow and be in the moment. Just let myself be as the amazing person I am
* Lastly and most importantly. Let go and have fun in life without stressing about everything but still concentrating on what is important to me.
I have a direction I want to go but have next to no expectations for WM2.0 as no ones run it before.
Let the fun and games begin
AM has taken me a long way towards becoming a man. The amount I have grown up emotionally is huge and its a great testament to the power of AM and Shannon's subs

WM2.0 for me is not all about women in actual fact most of it isn't about women but about expanding the possibilities that currently restrict me from getting to where I want to be in life. Its about getting myself out of my own way and just letting me be me.
While I have made huge progress in some of these areas there's always room for improvement. So my goals for WM2.0 are
* Create a social circle like I've never experienced before - a social life where I know any day of the week if I feel like going out and catching up with people I know I have awesome people that I can catch up with
* Let go of feelings of jealousy - this was helped a lot with AM but I know this can go further

* Push past some of the invisible barriers that block me in life AKA fears (Shannon thank you for including fear destruction in there)
* Perceive and move into a life I could only dream of (both socially and in other areas of life)
* Be able to connect with people all around me. In actual fact this has started to happen lately but again I want to see how far this can go
* Build up a genuine interest in others while getting out of my own head and just being in the moment having fun
* Get rid of the last of my social anxiety
* Be able to emotionally connect with many women without getting needy (i.e. without making them more important than anything else) - This was helped by AM but more in a way that I don't connect emotionally instead have a dedication to my work and life and I do miss having that emotional connection there
* Quality, Quality, Quality. Get quality girls in my life. By quality I mean high genuine self confidence and self esteem more than anything else. Mid way through AM I was attracting a few girls but none of quality. This has changed a little in the last few weeks with the refresher.
* Flow and be in the moment. Just let myself be as the amazing person I am
* Lastly and most importantly. Let go and have fun in life without stressing about everything but still concentrating on what is important to me.
I have a direction I want to go but have next to no expectations for WM2.0 as no ones run it before.
Let the fun and games begin

The only person in life that can ever hold you back is yourself. So get out of your own way and start living the life you always dreamed of