(12-13-2016, 10:06 AM)Shannon Wrote:(12-13-2016, 09:43 AM)LeonidasXVI Wrote:(12-13-2016, 09:35 AM)Shannon Wrote:(12-13-2016, 08:39 AM)eternity Wrote:(12-13-2016, 07:59 AM)Shannon Wrote: And you see why I am planning to turn it off and replace it with something else to signal the same thing. I don't want people getting addicted to using my programs.
I understand that, Shannon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well hey, at least you know now a digital drugs section in your store would make BANK. (perhaps this is an insight into why DMSI is better for you in becoming a Multi Millionaire than BAMM at this moment?)
Trying to make bank at the expense of people's wellness or society's function or the wisdom to realize what the entrenched Powers That Be would respond with, would be folly indeed. People are already having a hard enough time with their addictions to video games, Cell phones, movies, cartoons, food, recreational drugs, prescribed drugs and a variety of other things.
Is the end result a better world if I use my knowledge to create digital recreational drugs?
It depends on how you see this, I guess. You, as a creator of recreational drugs, if you make them, have the power to not getting the users addicted, unlike real drugs. Put something in the script, you know. Actually, they can even help people struggling with real drugs to have a much safer, healthier option to choose from when they are tryin' hard to quit drugs. You can put something in the script regarding that, too. And just because, science!
The only thing that may not help with is the reputation, but I am not an expert on that. I can't possibly comment.
I have the power to prevent addiction, yes. And I do suppose I could create something that would allow someone to transfer from physical drugs to the subliminal and then train themselves off of it entirely... this is interesting to me. It can result in a better world.
I will have to mull this over for a while.
If you can make this happen, I can have (no exaggeration) hundreds of customers going this way. just saying. i'd have to take a commission though, for knowing so many highly targeted people

I could be the worlds first Dopeless Dope Dealer.

plus, being someone not in your business, i don't have to play the "i'm not a doctor so i cannot recommend it to you" card. in any case, if you decided to go further with this Shannon, I will be 100% on your side in any way I can, having been in the depths of addiction, as well as seeing life on the other side of it. And like I said before, if you present to me a solution OTHER than the one i'm doing right now, that WORKS, and is SUPERIOR, I will be quick to convert to it quicker than a cat running towards the sound of a can opener.