04-20-2015, 04:58 AM
Good question Sarge, I'm looking putting authenticity into my interactions with people. I believe that with authenticity the rest of my interactions will fall in line. Do I want to know women, yes. Have sex, that's a given, but I crave connection with other humans. I'm independent to a fault. My sister who is eight years younger than me recognized the problem in her and started changing it a few years ago. She didn't have subs though lol and she thinks Subliminals are scary and unreliable. I'm getting to the point that I am at my "game limit". I think game works short term in a fake it until you make it kind of way. But I have seen on this site and a few others that most guys that game are up and down all the time. This makes me think that their mind it's rebelling against who they are pretending to be.