From a couple of days my body language is stronger, I talk and walk much slower, my self-confidence is higher. I`m also more emotional but in masculine way. I feel more conneted to my feelings and I can express myself freely. I still have a huge attraction power but I`m not eager to benefit from it. I`ve stopped to masturbate myself 3 days ago and I hope that I`ll not regress to this shit. I think that it should help.
Also, I`m the center of my social world and that`s just awesome! I`m eager to do my things and I don`t hestitate do what `I have tot do`. I`ve stared planning my future in Thailand, I want to be an english teacher there, so I`ll start to learn Thai too. Or may be I`ll move to one of the latin country (to Venezuela, maybe) beacuse I learn Spanish too. I strongly believe that I`ll achieve `my dream` and my motivation is very high.