Thank you Greenduck. Im sold on it now. Cutting it out without compromise adds to my life quality. No cheating or peaking. Pure replacement and rise of quality in life. Carrying it over in all areas and transmutating the energy in everything else. Business, traveling, reading, gym, social life, life itself, healthier food choices, the list goes on.
I have lots of similar benefits.
Im breaking a habit of 10+ years. A girl seduced me into it lol through teasing. Did bang her back then tho ( great story actually )
My dreams are also easier to remember and getting up to seize the day is here. My sleep is actually improving aswell.
Its craaaaaazy how much we are kept in a state of dopamine flooding and kept being needy. ( pmo, fastfood, television, social media/instagram likes etc etc ). It definitely kept me in a zombie like state. Nice guy because there was no fuel behind to get the engine go and thus being a drained mindfogged vegetable. Because I was drained and thus creating a mirrage of life declination. ( scarcity is a bitch ) no will whatsoever.
Life is good. People hitting me up out of the blue, facebook bein flooded by lots of friendrequests the list goes on.
Its on.
Congrats on the 60 day milestone!
I have lots of similar benefits.
Im breaking a habit of 10+ years. A girl seduced me into it lol through teasing. Did bang her back then tho ( great story actually )
My dreams are also easier to remember and getting up to seize the day is here. My sleep is actually improving aswell.
Its craaaaaazy how much we are kept in a state of dopamine flooding and kept being needy. ( pmo, fastfood, television, social media/instagram likes etc etc ). It definitely kept me in a zombie like state. Nice guy because there was no fuel behind to get the engine go and thus being a drained mindfogged vegetable. Because I was drained and thus creating a mirrage of life declination. ( scarcity is a bitch ) no will whatsoever.
Life is good. People hitting me up out of the blue, facebook bein flooded by lots of friendrequests the list goes on.
Its on.
Congrats on the 60 day milestone!