watching in my environment more hotter women yet I don't feel much at all. again chllenged today at work, deeper understanding about frame and how women don't make sense at all. One moment theyre chaotic, the next moment they're like kittens and nice. whatever. No connection to it, yet rather seeing for what it is, no compromising of frame to begin with. they can throw shit all they want, in the end they come back anyways. Like, what they throw about I can amplify, or not doing anything with it, justseeing for what it is. Also feeling perfectly fine at the moment tho some guys in one of my social circles is all trying to get my attention with irrelevant stuff. react on my time.
Eye contact is flawless when challenged. Also, silent gazing and seeing her getting wet in my mind, no words, just connecting.
Visualisation gets more strong, creating, its gaining strength, yet also see how many negative shit I carry with me, which may cause havoc in my life.
Niceguy streak is lowering aswell, it goes deeper in terms of understanding and my being. Deeper understanding of everything and less giving a fuck.
Survival instead of niceguy. gets stronger, makes lots of sense, some deeper primal realisations take place in contrast to some emotional self preservance. I am the centre. Now, I am way more healthy feeling as I was, it comes from a deeper level and makes me realize the more basic more effective ways of sensing, feeling and thinking, like cutting out crap.
recognize that I have this thought of neediness in terms of attraction which is self sabotaging. attraction happens, no matetr what. Fuck limiting beliefs.
Confidence and value are raising big time now and blowing up. I love life. To abundant to give a fuck lmao
very expressive at work yet notice these mute moments aswell. Begin to look down on communication as something which isn't much of a deal, a good sign
EDIT: felt really good, had some nice connections with people today again, attraction ramps up, older women giggled yet opened her cold through situational, closing number came to mind lmao, could easily do it.
other girl at the checkout was cute, blond, nice body, nice chemistry, seemed little bit clumpsy due my vibe. expanding social circle through numbers will be very easy now.
talked with some other guy at the check out, also easy going.
Girl at work was very touchy, feely, putting her hat on my head, seeking physical contact, playing it sexually and overtly flirty. I could easily tell, but it was work, could kiss her when leaving, which came to mind, the chemistry was there to begin with, she kept initiating, yet, she has mental issues which she didn't hold back about.
back to self improvement, languages aswell as delving in salesman skills. Feel like realizing my purpose and coming to light. Massive feel towards it.
Eye contact is flawless when challenged. Also, silent gazing and seeing her getting wet in my mind, no words, just connecting.
Visualisation gets more strong, creating, its gaining strength, yet also see how many negative shit I carry with me, which may cause havoc in my life.
Niceguy streak is lowering aswell, it goes deeper in terms of understanding and my being. Deeper understanding of everything and less giving a fuck.
Survival instead of niceguy. gets stronger, makes lots of sense, some deeper primal realisations take place in contrast to some emotional self preservance. I am the centre. Now, I am way more healthy feeling as I was, it comes from a deeper level and makes me realize the more basic more effective ways of sensing, feeling and thinking, like cutting out crap.
recognize that I have this thought of neediness in terms of attraction which is self sabotaging. attraction happens, no matetr what. Fuck limiting beliefs.
Confidence and value are raising big time now and blowing up. I love life. To abundant to give a fuck lmao
very expressive at work yet notice these mute moments aswell. Begin to look down on communication as something which isn't much of a deal, a good sign
EDIT: felt really good, had some nice connections with people today again, attraction ramps up, older women giggled yet opened her cold through situational, closing number came to mind lmao, could easily do it.
other girl at the checkout was cute, blond, nice body, nice chemistry, seemed little bit clumpsy due my vibe. expanding social circle through numbers will be very easy now.
talked with some other guy at the check out, also easy going.
Girl at work was very touchy, feely, putting her hat on my head, seeking physical contact, playing it sexually and overtly flirty. I could easily tell, but it was work, could kiss her when leaving, which came to mind, the chemistry was there to begin with, she kept initiating, yet, she has mental issues which she didn't hold back about.
back to self improvement, languages aswell as delving in salesman skills. Feel like realizing my purpose and coming to light. Massive feel towards it.
The trials you encounter will introduce you to your strengths. - epictetus