03-16-2015, 12:14 PM
(03-15-2015, 02:34 AM)sub_curious Wrote: Hey Alpha Romeo,
I guess we will need two things: 1. Laws that render putting other messages other than those for advertised effects punishable (jail, fine etc) and 2. a credible, independent censoring body whose only agenda is to protect the users.
I realise all these are difficult to realise. Passing new laws in a country such as the US is very slow because each state has its own laws. The censoring agency will also be difficult to set up. As you said, leaving the censoring to the government might not be entirely good, because the government definitely has its own agendas too. But if subliminal creators are really serious about helping more people and putting their subs in the ears of more people, there should be a concerted effort by them.
Thanks for the well wishes, I wish you well for your journey too. I hope for you that there are no 'other' messages in your subs. I am going to create my own affirmation tapes, something Brian Tracy recommends. I am not going to touch subliminals until those two things are in place. To illustrate, I'm not one of those people who are willing to take a 'new' medicine not approved by the FDA.
Hi there, Brian Tracy is wonderful, great choice of mentor.
I had a lot of your same fears when starting. I'm going to take some of my time to help you out, because I believe if I can convince you, these subs will help you change your life. And reading this forum convinced me to take the plunge once upon a time, so I want to pay it forward. So it's worth it to me to invest my time.
I tried a free sub short term only during the day so I could stop it at any time instead of at night, thinking that it isn't able to take over my body and make me do Shannon's bidding somehow. These are nowhere NEAR that powerful. You have a deep rooted fear of that, and I did too. I tried ASC for free, loved it, made some huge changes for me, and I moved onto AM6 and am almost done that and will do SM3 next. My life has been changed forever.
On your logic of not knowing what's in it so you don't want to take it...have you ever taken a supplement approved by the FDA with "proprietary blend" on it? Or read the ingredients of things and actually know what every single ingredient is, even the long named ones? How do you know what's in it? The FDA may have passed it as safe for you, but they've done that often, only to discover later that it's hazardous and pulled it from the shelves. Have you ever eaten food prepared by someone else, from a supermarket or a restaurant? How do you KNOW what's in it? You don't truly know, but you eat it anyway. Others do, and they're fine, so you assume it's safe for you. Have you ever asked the maker of a car you want to buy, or the maker of a phone you want to buy, to show you all the detailed blueprints before you purchase? If not, I'll tell you that they likely will not show you as that's priviledged information they've spent a lot of time and money researching, and don't want a competitor knowing of them, or creating a competitor BY showing the details to you. And that in order to get benefit from something, I don't need to know every aspect of it's process. I don't need to be an expert at chemotherapy in order to be saved by it, or to be a mechanic in order to use a car.
Now hopefully, you have a much better understanding of the process here

Ask us if you have any other questions, especially about which program to pick to get you started. We don't bite!