You're on air again FrenchMagnet. How life goin on your side? 
DAOS is very good for sure. I don't know why Shannon never upgrade it to 5G until now (the idea is already from 2012, a lot of member asked to upgrade DAOS and BIATBW to 5G). Well, Shannon knows better reason.
Because DAOS is 4G, you can combine it with BIATBWS, the results so far very good if you reading old journal, man.

DAOS is very good for sure. I don't know why Shannon never upgrade it to 5G until now (the idea is already from 2012, a lot of member asked to upgrade DAOS and BIATBW to 5G). Well, Shannon knows better reason.
Because DAOS is 4G, you can combine it with BIATBWS, the results so far very good if you reading old journal, man.
.:: F. R. E. A. K ::.