I have experienced that sluggish feeling as well, and I actually believe it's resistance. It's trying to generate familiar behaviors when you actually don't have the capacity to do them anymore. New behaviors usually replace them, but you have to "break in" your new body and mind before they start feeling natural.
Surrendering any expectations and prejudice on how to behave seems to help in that. New behaviors sometimes at first feel out of place and with no logic behind them, but in my experience, you have to let go and give them a chance to show their worth in practice.
@dissonance, for example, you might try composing music in ways that may seem absurd at first. Your creative process might be totally different because your inner environment is different. Please let me know how it goes if you try it, I'm curious.
Surrendering any expectations and prejudice on how to behave seems to help in that. New behaviors sometimes at first feel out of place and with no logic behind them, but in my experience, you have to let go and give them a chance to show their worth in practice.
@dissonance, for example, you might try composing music in ways that may seem absurd at first. Your creative process might be totally different because your inner environment is different. Please let me know how it goes if you try it, I'm curious.