(10-20-2015, 08:41 PM)Dzemoo Wrote: Shanon good explaination by the way,
Shanom i am afraid of commitment with a woman being in a relationship getting tamed and loosing power, i am also afraid of marriage, bonding long term and falling in love, i am using your women attraction subs for a while now 3 years (am, sm, wm) but i am only getting better in hooking up with girls and making superficial connections. The better i get and with the more women i sleep i trust them less and they trust me less, also my invest decreased a lot, i am not patient enough to build comfort with her or spending time to get to know her, so if i have something with a woman its mostly a experienced justifier type of girl, when what i really want is a romantic, denier type of girl. So i have two problems fear of commitment, and attracting the wrong type of girl
I have the same fear, but I am not sure if it is necessarily fear. Because when we didn't discover subliminal or any pick-up or red pill stuff. We didn't have this lack of trust.
Think about it, we lived in endless denial that girls are manipulative unless we learned to observe it for ourselves. What if we were still blind? Would we have the fear of being manipulated and tamed in a long-term relationship? Most probably not.
Therefore, sounds like what we are going through is more like a protective mechanism. But fear is one kind of a protective mechanism itself.
Letting go with women can be really tough. "If I act/behave like this, she might lose sexual tension.", "If I talk about my 'feeling', she might use me!", etc, etc.
Concluding the post, I think the best scenario would be to trust and open up around girls, and not care about being alpha or beta. And at the same time, to keep your options open and not get attached to just one girl. Always have a backup, if you end up losing attraction of one girl (if you do, you will know why you did and make sure it doesn't happen again), or if she starts crossing boundaries, just a little too much.