(10-13-2015, 12:46 PM)Shannon Wrote: I am puzzled as to where you're getting this. The transcendent alpha is at peace with and within himself, and is needless. He has no need nor desire to compete or to chase women. Getting annoyed is a part of the process of going from whatever to transcendent alpha because the program is telling you to do things that a lot of guys are afraid to do. Pushing you out the door and into the sky so you can use that parachute and experience the thrill of being your own man, as it were. When the program properly motivates you to stop hiding from the BS and deal with it, a lot of guys get upset at how they're being treated and respond with upset. It's a normal, natural part of the process, and for those who experience it, it is useful and helpful for getting them to stand up and become their own man.
You know what I like most about you Shannon, it's the passion for this stuff and the fire in your soul.

That's a great point Shannon. Since doing the belief work on my own, I've noticed that I've had some internal power struggles with a friend of mine, who usually chooses where we go out, but I've been taking the reigns on that more. We both resist each other at times especially now I'm becoming more and more socially dominant, and if I slip on going for what I want, or out to where I want to, then he always gets his way. Not that I care about dominating the entire time, but it used to be 100% where he wanted to go. Simply because I wanted to go out to different places, and some of the places he goes to are kind of lame socially.
This proves your point because at times it has been frustrating having to redefine the dynamic between us, but I'm glad to be working through that resistance.
(10-13-2015, 12:46 PM)Shannon Wrote: Back on target, I will say this. If you're doing my subs and affirmations/stories, and you are doing both as instructed, my subs will dominate the programming because I'm giving you dozens to hundreds of times as much subconscious repetition and input in the same amount of time. The difference, given no conflict in scripting and goals, is that the conscious mind is the heavy lifer, and the subconscious mind can temporarily be influenced by it; this produces what appears to e great results, but you need to keep it up for years or even longer to make it permanent because it takes that long to get enough subconscious repetitions.
Will using my stuff interfere with what Brent teaches? I don't know. You'll have to look very carefully at whatever program you choose to try that with before doing it and see if you can determine that for yourself. I'm not sure I think it's a good idea, but it would be interesting to see the results of.
This makes total sense. That is why I'm thinking something like Life Tune Up, Beautiful Women, etc might be less conflicting. It would definitely be an interesting experiment.