10-09-2015, 03:21 PM
(10-09-2015, 01:41 PM)DarthXedonias Wrote: Ricardo- Ya know, I was wondering this exact same thing a few days ago. If 6G's state shifting makes it pretty much instant and then makes that state self-replicating to a degree wouldn't that make it so that there wouldn't really be a need for the magnets to be 6 stages anymore? Also, wouldn't that mean that you wouldn't have to worry about repetitions as much anymore? If this is true then we wouldn't have to worry about adding more things to these programs (not that there's much more that needs to be added imo).
Yes my point exactly

I don't know about the correlation between more words per second and effectiveness in 6G. I rather formed the idea that the key to 6G is the state of reality you enter into after a short period of time. I don't think you would necessarily need more words per second to cause it. Probably a combination of brainwave states and subliminal.