(08-10-2015, 05:23 PM)ffaux Wrote: Running AM two times has given me the same realisation that you're articulating. I think part of the journey is actually growing past the immature definition of alpha male that most people have when they come here. The journey may be longer for us who start with the wrong definition of an alpha male but AM6 will get us there.
Thanks ffaux. I am not just talking about definitions. I'm talking about sublimating definitions, theories, and concepts into concrete action. The forum is filled with feelings & dreams with some social interactions with people. I have yet to hear people being inspired to learn scuba diving, parachuting, cooking, etc and going out, successfully doing them, and becoming beyond proficient in them. These physical actions will themselves have a somatogenic affect in developing the self-realized, transcendent alpha male. In essence, AM6 alone won't do the entire job and needs concrete reinforcement.