(08-04-2015, 06:28 PM)Geodude Wrote: Yeah OF continues to wreck my sleep to this day, and I still deal with resistance daily. But when I missed a day due to being drunk and passing out, I felt absolutely unstoppable and amazing. Once I started running it again, the resistance came back. I've got like 6 weeks until I reach the 6 month mark and I can finally change subs. I still maintain that this has been the best sub for me by far.
I've had to resort to tapping to deal with the resistance and it's synergizing amazingly well.
This sub isn't for the faint of heart, but it will change your life dramatically.
I actually had sleeping problems way before starting OF. What I can say is that OF has helped me reflect and move towards the right direction, takes a bit of time and conscious effort but I think I have found out the root of what causes stress for me while I sleep.
In short when I was 5 or 6 I was sleeping and was left behind from going to the beach, I remember being very upset about that. So there's the fear of missing out while sleeping. I also noticed that I feel guilty of being tired during the day which makes me try and force myself to sleep, that is only counter productive and very frustrating. Just understanding the reasons for the stress almost releases it completely.
Personally I don't do tapping, I believe it's a distraction and we are meant to release on our own without any special techniques. Also I feel like it splits my focus thinking too much backwards and being "stuck" clearing the past. I share a similar belief about using subliminals, they can become and addiction once you start believing that you need to run a subliminal for each problem you have in life. That might partly be a reason why people keep swapping subs before getting the full effect of them.