Thank you, that's a very good and valuable update! I have 1 month to go before I decide whether to run OF or not. In a way that hard resistance & transparency into what's happening is what draws me to it, knowing that it'll be temporary. Another reason is that its very focused, while at the same time very universal (affects almost everything).
2 things I hope you could clarify:
1) You said: "Things that don't even look like they are related to fear on the surface level. ... I had no idea fear was affecting THAT much of my behaviour." - Could you give some examples? Logically I guess everything comes down to a fear of something, but I find it difficult to evaluate how much its affecting me currently, i.e. what do I have to gain vs. other programs.
2) When you've had those fears/resistances brought up to the surface, how have you dealt with them? I'm assuming relaxation, maybe meditation and such, or have you done something more creative?
And finally, 2 tips come to mind that you probably already know: 1) geodude recommended recording monthly videos diaries of yourself (for yourself), and 2) Sarge posted THIS LINK is his journal, and the smile meditation has been helping me feel more content overall. I'd assume it could work for that resistance too, in some form. Massage too maybe.
2 things I hope you could clarify:
1) You said: "Things that don't even look like they are related to fear on the surface level. ... I had no idea fear was affecting THAT much of my behaviour." - Could you give some examples? Logically I guess everything comes down to a fear of something, but I find it difficult to evaluate how much its affecting me currently, i.e. what do I have to gain vs. other programs.
2) When you've had those fears/resistances brought up to the surface, how have you dealt with them? I'm assuming relaxation, maybe meditation and such, or have you done something more creative?
And finally, 2 tips come to mind that you probably already know: 1) geodude recommended recording monthly videos diaries of yourself (for yourself), and 2) Sarge posted THIS LINK is his journal, and the smile meditation has been helping me feel more content overall. I'd assume it could work for that resistance too, in some form. Massage too maybe.
Thoughts, opinions and beliefs subject to change without prior notice.