08-03-2015, 08:23 AM
(08-03-2015, 05:02 AM)James_Sky Wrote: Welcome aboard.
I'm in a similar situation with regards to the feeling that I have wasted my life, however, everything in my life has brought me up to this point, which is a point that I have found out about subs and mones and I want to make an effort to improve myself massively, so if everything was plain sailing my whole life, I think I would be complacent whereas because of my current situation, i think I can do allot better than the person I would be if I had everything easy. So that’s how I cope with losing years.
Thats good advice, any other way is unknown and could have ended badly - and I wouldn't be on this path of learning

(08-03-2015, 05:02 AM)James_Sky Wrote: If you don't like being told what to do then maybe you would be better off looking into becoming your own boss, BASE (Become A Successful Entrepreneur) could help you with this.
Yes, your right - I need to find out what it is I really want to do with my life/career and pursue it. I was hoping that the subs would remove any fears or resistance I have towards this.
(08-03-2015, 05:02 AM)James_Sky Wrote: As for Your Issues, the big gun subliminal's: Alpha Male, Sex Magnet and Women Magnet all can help, You can't run either of the magnets without running AM first though. Looking through your issues, I would saying that Running AM then WM would aide in fixing them.
I'm going to see how I get on with EPRHA and LTU. Then see where I'm at before jumping into AM6.
(08-03-2015, 05:02 AM)James_Sky Wrote: I am new to subliminal's myself, I have ran ASC for only about a week (it was making me arrogant) and then moved onto EPRAH. If you read some of the journals on here though, some of the stuff that's happened to these guys whilst running the subs is crazy.
I have fears about what potential the subs will open up, I have a chip on my shoulder and can be very arrogant too - but im also a strong silent type who is humble and modest - it depends on what and who im interacting with. It worries me that subs could exaggerate some of my bad traits?
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My EHPRA Journal - http://subliminal-talk.com/thread-5779.html
My Intro and Ramblings - http://subliminal-talk.com/thread-5785.html