06-10-2015, 11:29 AM
(06-06-2015, 03:58 AM)AfzalG Wrote: so guys the last week i was in berlin and was patying every night i observed the women there since they are from all around the world...
i looked at the guys there and noticed that all men who were alpha in my eyes and my criterias didnt get any chicks and guys who were total looser or nerds had chicks literally running after them... i even betazied some guys there in a very rough way but it didnt change anything beside some laugher from their girls they still kept running after them... what i noticed there was that all the low value guys there were using simple pick up techniques like push and pull... pretending they have lost interest and so on...
that made me come to the conclusion that everything the most men, psychologiest or who so ever tells you about women like "women can smell your insecurities a mile a way" "women are very good in knowing pretty fast what kind of a man you are" "or women can sense if you are a looser running game" hell no they cant **** this ***** women arent smarter then man, i would say even dumber, sry if someone feels insulted by this but this is my observation...
so what i realized is, that it isnt really much of importance what kind of a man you are its more important how you act and treat her... being a high value man seems to be less important than being one who uses simple pick up tricks consequently...
even the most developed puas like julien rsd say that being sex worthy alone is not enough you have to make things happen because the most girls are total retards...
the only thing from what you will get from them by being more developed is that you will confuse them and make them testing you more or proving your ego to you... the most women will delay or reject sex with a high value or player male just to satisfy her ego because this means more to her than satisfying her sexuel needs which she will do with lower value man she knows they cant validate her (attention i am talking here about girl 20-30 you meet in clubs and bars)
i noticed that am, wm and sm will make you a high value man, but they wont teach you anything about tricking or manipulating women, they wont teach you game... so yes you will get the attention but you wont get laid if you have no game....!!!!!
you will end up getting tones of attention from women everywere you go but you wont be the one who gets laid unless you make it consciously happen by gaming techniques... and **** this that every women goes for the alpha in the group if you are a real alpha you will only attract the women that goes for pure strong masculine men, and guess what they are not so many women like this today... so you will only have chance at 8-12% of the women...
becoming a higher value man will require a higher degree of game otherwise she wont believe you because it just seems to good to her because 99,9% arent like this so you will come over as a faker when you are indeed real... believe me i am not talking ***** here using shanons women attraction subs for over 2 years now without a pause and am constantly gaming...
so i would klike to see shanon build a pimp/ pick up master multi stage sub
which will teach you all the game you need
preferably form, dicarlos pandoras box (to recognize what type of a women she is and what you have to do)
and julien cold approach pick up from the pimp set...
i want it to be straight suggestions like...
- dont answer her calls or messages immediatly
- if she flakes you the second time dump this piece of shit
- dont react to her drama
i also would like to have there techniques embedded for making her devote and submit...
like making her always cook for you, keeping your house and so on in short make her totally devote to you by principles in mickey royals instructional guide to pimp game...
i know shanon you are not a fan of pick up and you said you wont make new pick up subs... but you have to take in regard that the male user here are wiling to pay the most money on things that get them laid thats why am,wm and sm are the topseller of your subs... so why not making a new real pick up sub...
what do you guys think do you want a sub that teaches you real game....?
That was a good post and you're right in your observations. Women have some intuition just like men but they are no more better than we are at sensing good relationship material. Look at women who fall for violent prisoners or blokes that knock them around, cheat on them and make their lives miserable, all the time putting up with it hoping things will get better. I think also that women have a huge downer on themselves and their bodies, even hot girls think their bodies are ugly. The first time I had sex she insisted on the lights being out despite the fact she had all the body 'qualities' I liked

So by using AM/WM/SM we are actually pricing ourselves out of the market so to speak.