realjustin i know that they get rejected often... i get rejected often too but at the end it will work out with some of them there is no 100% success rate, and of course you cant have every women like 100% thats impossible but thats the same with the subs isnt it? the problem you mentioned here will be exactly the same with the subs you will also get onyl certain type of women ... i for myself find pua very useful and as i see its the difference what gives me more or better results here with girls pua and subs are a great combination, but let me ask you whats more effective in your eyes than pua ? i am open to any new suggestions...
richard laruina and deangelo are jokes in my opinion
yeah they get tons of trash whores hot trash whores like you said, but whats better to get like 20 hot trash whores in a year or to fight for one normal girl for a year?
by the way one of my girls is an academic too so its not that always trash whores will react... if pua is not the method i ask myself why it works so well for me if i use it and why i get so less results if i dont use it and just try to be "MY SELF"
i like this part
faux i had the exactly the same thing happen to me during am and especially during sm .... you think you dont have to define yourself about dominating the women, but the women dont care they leave you in the dust... thats why i like wm and i will be sad to have stopp it in a few weeks... but i plan to do am6 too ... still dont know if i should do am6 or rerun am5 ....
i still would like to see a pua sub other sub companies have them beside an alpha set, pu is for me like training karate or mma and the subs are like muscle training you can have the biggest muscles but if you dont know how to hit propperly it wont be of much use... but if you have muscles and technique you will be a serious fighter... i mean shanons recommends in am5 instruction to read double your dating by deangelo ^^ lol and he said that the subs only train but dont educate you.... i for my part dont think to rely on subs alone is enough indeed i think guys relying on subs alone are indeed resisting the programm wm for example made me go for pua more then every other sub it gave me the urge and motivation to find a way to get better with women, i think thats all subs can do give you motivation and show you the way but you have to go the way on by your own...
true story bro....
richard laruina and deangelo are jokes in my opinion
yeah they get tons of trash whores hot trash whores like you said, but whats better to get like 20 hot trash whores in a year or to fight for one normal girl for a year?
by the way one of my girls is an academic too so its not that always trash whores will react... if pua is not the method i ask myself why it works so well for me if i use it and why i get so less results if i dont use it and just try to be "MY SELF"
(06-07-2015, 11:43 AM)TheRealJustin Wrote: I agree women should cook and clean, I just read what you wrote in a way like you wanted them to do it in a bad way like make them do it but have them so attracted they don't want to leave, kind of like they're doing it out of fear. But I agree completely women aren't as smart as men, and they were made to cook and clean and stay home and take care of the house. Their purpose is their man, and man's purpose is whatever he decides it to be. I think that's what nature intended. Not to say women shouldn't be able to work or anything, but it just seems that's how the world set things up, women need men, but the media has flipped the script to men need women which makes man needy which women are programmed by nature to HATE because they are supposed to be the needy ones, so all these needy men can't attract women and think they are gay and now everyone is gay and it's so bad now that everyone even wants to dress like women and become women. It's all from the media. Sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings but it's the mother fu**ing truth.
i like this part

faux i had the exactly the same thing happen to me during am and especially during sm .... you think you dont have to define yourself about dominating the women, but the women dont care they leave you in the dust... thats why i like wm and i will be sad to have stopp it in a few weeks... but i plan to do am6 too ... still dont know if i should do am6 or rerun am5 ....
i still would like to see a pua sub other sub companies have them beside an alpha set, pu is for me like training karate or mma and the subs are like muscle training you can have the biggest muscles but if you dont know how to hit propperly it wont be of much use... but if you have muscles and technique you will be a serious fighter... i mean shanons recommends in am5 instruction to read double your dating by deangelo ^^ lol and he said that the subs only train but dont educate you.... i for my part dont think to rely on subs alone is enough indeed i think guys relying on subs alone are indeed resisting the programm wm for example made me go for pua more then every other sub it gave me the urge and motivation to find a way to get better with women, i think thats all subs can do give you motivation and show you the way but you have to go the way on by your own...
(06-07-2015, 11:30 AM)iRRepLaceaBLe Wrote: Honestly,I can't believe how can some people ask how many times had AM been run .. Life doesn't revolve only around subliminals ,are you insane .. subliminals should be your guidance,your helpful tool, not the most important thing in your life...
true story bro....