Hi there!
Here are some thoughts. AM6 uses technology like the Naturalizer, to make change so seamless, it seems you were ALWAYS this way, or would've changed anyway of your own accord. Some of your wording in your post actually suggests Naturalizer, I can see it coming through your words. It's designed to bypass resistance, but it can also backfire because if it works TOO well, you'll feel the program didn't work! In fact, Shannon's stop smoking program had to be redesigned because the Naturalizer worked SO well, the testers for it said the program did nothing for them and they just all decided to quit on their own LOL. So, you may very well have changed a lot more than you think.
Also, to make sure your listening is good...how do you listen to the program? Headphones? Speakers? Masked? Ultrasonic? Do you have Frequensee downloaded on your phone to check the subliminal is working properly with your listening setup? You'd be surprised how often I've seen posts like this and it turns out they were listening to mono phone speakers or something similar, robbing themselves of most of the program's power.
I keep a detailed journal everyday, even dreams I document and attempt to make sense of. It helps me see the obvious progression of change I've made. If you keep a detailed daily journal, you should be able to tell you've made some changes. You may have resisted a lot of the programming this first run. To many guys, the first run seems to be such a shock to the system, they don't really get much out of it and need another run right after to start getting serious benefit. You need a very strong AM base to move on to SM or WM, otherwise it'll fail and won't work for you. It's like building a skyscraper on uneven, shaky ground. So in this case, I recommend a redo of AM6 within 1 week of ending it. Take a week off. Then start AM6 again. Don't wait any longer than 1 week, you want to keep the pressure on your subconscious while things are fresh! You could've resisted a lot of the programming, and in that case, you need to really put the time in to defeating all that prior programming in your mind. Everyone is different, some need another AM6 run right after, some don't and can wait for awhile. But make a journal this time, write in it every single day, NO exceptions! Keep track of your daily listening time. Keep track of dreams. Everything on your mind. The more info you document, the easier you'll be able to see changes.
That's the best advice I can give you. I think another run could do you a lot of good! Keep a journal here for your next run, update it daily. It can help keep you motivated. You spent years and years and years creating and reinforcing these old beliefs, it will take a bit of time to reprogram them. Set a target of daily hours listened a day that won't sabotage your day to day life, but will also stretch you a bit and stay vigilant with it to keep the pressure on these old beliefs as much as possible. Finally, go down the bullet points on the AM6 page now, and give yourself a yes/no grade to each. All the points below I mean:
Have let go of any negative self image, attitudes, thoughts and beliefs about yourself.
Have a powerful, positive sense of self respect, self esteem, self image and self worth.
Have unshakable self confidence.
Be unaffected by rejection.
Treat women as people to enjoy the company of, without taking them too seriously, needing them, or being easily upset by them.
Have released expectations towards women, which often lead to bad choices, actions, attitudes, thinking and responses.
Be self sufficient and self reliant mentally, emotionally and otherwise.
No longer be, or come across to others as “needy”.
Take good care of yourself, your hygiene and your appearance, not just because you want to be attractive to beautiful women, but because it makes you feel good about yourself.
Be able to effortlessly approach any woman you want – and the more attractive you find her, the easier it will be.
Be selective about whom you spend your time with, and which women you give your time, interest and affections to.
Exude an aura of confidence, commanding presence and authority, which gets you respect, attention and obedience.
Exude an aura of sexiness that makes you much more attractive to the beautiful women you encounter. The more beautiful they are, the more attracted and interested they will be.
Have a Zen attitude, which keeps you calm when other guys would lose control, thus demonstrating your self control and mastery of the situation – an Alpha male trait.
Display graceful, confident body language, which broadcasts your power and dominance to all, but especially females (for whom body language is a very important way of communicating, and thus determining the men they are interested in).
Display the attitude, thinking, actions and speech patterns of an Alpha Male.
No longer seek approval from others, nor be concerned with what they think of you or what you do or say.
Be your own man, who does what he wants, when he wants, how he wants, where he wants.
Be in control when dealing with women, and especially beautiful women or women you are interested in.
Be entirely unconcerned about “getting the girl” or achieving sexual interaction, which will make the ladies perceive you as higher status, higher value, and more worthy of both.
Be easily able and willing to walk away from people and situations you don’t like, and TELL HER NO — whether it’s to her asking for sex or anything else.
Be in complete control of yourself and your environment, and YOU will be the one who controls when, how, and with whom you have sex.
Develop and display a fantastic sense of humor, which will make you socially popular and attractive to others, especially beautiful women.
Be entirely comfortable in social situations of any type, whether they are familiar to you or not.
Be a better, higher and more refined quality of man.
Grade yourself on all of those NOW before your second run with a yes/no, then do it again after the run is complete to gauge effectiveness of the second run alongside your journal. Go for it, give that subconscious hell, don't give up!
Here are some thoughts. AM6 uses technology like the Naturalizer, to make change so seamless, it seems you were ALWAYS this way, or would've changed anyway of your own accord. Some of your wording in your post actually suggests Naturalizer, I can see it coming through your words. It's designed to bypass resistance, but it can also backfire because if it works TOO well, you'll feel the program didn't work! In fact, Shannon's stop smoking program had to be redesigned because the Naturalizer worked SO well, the testers for it said the program did nothing for them and they just all decided to quit on their own LOL. So, you may very well have changed a lot more than you think.
Also, to make sure your listening is good...how do you listen to the program? Headphones? Speakers? Masked? Ultrasonic? Do you have Frequensee downloaded on your phone to check the subliminal is working properly with your listening setup? You'd be surprised how often I've seen posts like this and it turns out they were listening to mono phone speakers or something similar, robbing themselves of most of the program's power.
I keep a detailed journal everyday, even dreams I document and attempt to make sense of. It helps me see the obvious progression of change I've made. If you keep a detailed daily journal, you should be able to tell you've made some changes. You may have resisted a lot of the programming this first run. To many guys, the first run seems to be such a shock to the system, they don't really get much out of it and need another run right after to start getting serious benefit. You need a very strong AM base to move on to SM or WM, otherwise it'll fail and won't work for you. It's like building a skyscraper on uneven, shaky ground. So in this case, I recommend a redo of AM6 within 1 week of ending it. Take a week off. Then start AM6 again. Don't wait any longer than 1 week, you want to keep the pressure on your subconscious while things are fresh! You could've resisted a lot of the programming, and in that case, you need to really put the time in to defeating all that prior programming in your mind. Everyone is different, some need another AM6 run right after, some don't and can wait for awhile. But make a journal this time, write in it every single day, NO exceptions! Keep track of your daily listening time. Keep track of dreams. Everything on your mind. The more info you document, the easier you'll be able to see changes.
That's the best advice I can give you. I think another run could do you a lot of good! Keep a journal here for your next run, update it daily. It can help keep you motivated. You spent years and years and years creating and reinforcing these old beliefs, it will take a bit of time to reprogram them. Set a target of daily hours listened a day that won't sabotage your day to day life, but will also stretch you a bit and stay vigilant with it to keep the pressure on these old beliefs as much as possible. Finally, go down the bullet points on the AM6 page now, and give yourself a yes/no grade to each. All the points below I mean:
Have let go of any negative self image, attitudes, thoughts and beliefs about yourself.
Have a powerful, positive sense of self respect, self esteem, self image and self worth.
Have unshakable self confidence.
Be unaffected by rejection.
Treat women as people to enjoy the company of, without taking them too seriously, needing them, or being easily upset by them.
Have released expectations towards women, which often lead to bad choices, actions, attitudes, thinking and responses.
Be self sufficient and self reliant mentally, emotionally and otherwise.
No longer be, or come across to others as “needy”.
Take good care of yourself, your hygiene and your appearance, not just because you want to be attractive to beautiful women, but because it makes you feel good about yourself.
Be able to effortlessly approach any woman you want – and the more attractive you find her, the easier it will be.
Be selective about whom you spend your time with, and which women you give your time, interest and affections to.
Exude an aura of confidence, commanding presence and authority, which gets you respect, attention and obedience.
Exude an aura of sexiness that makes you much more attractive to the beautiful women you encounter. The more beautiful they are, the more attracted and interested they will be.
Have a Zen attitude, which keeps you calm when other guys would lose control, thus demonstrating your self control and mastery of the situation – an Alpha male trait.
Display graceful, confident body language, which broadcasts your power and dominance to all, but especially females (for whom body language is a very important way of communicating, and thus determining the men they are interested in).
Display the attitude, thinking, actions and speech patterns of an Alpha Male.
No longer seek approval from others, nor be concerned with what they think of you or what you do or say.
Be your own man, who does what he wants, when he wants, how he wants, where he wants.
Be in control when dealing with women, and especially beautiful women or women you are interested in.
Be entirely unconcerned about “getting the girl” or achieving sexual interaction, which will make the ladies perceive you as higher status, higher value, and more worthy of both.
Be easily able and willing to walk away from people and situations you don’t like, and TELL HER NO — whether it’s to her asking for sex or anything else.
Be in complete control of yourself and your environment, and YOU will be the one who controls when, how, and with whom you have sex.
Develop and display a fantastic sense of humor, which will make you socially popular and attractive to others, especially beautiful women.
Be entirely comfortable in social situations of any type, whether they are familiar to you or not.
Be a better, higher and more refined quality of man.
Grade yourself on all of those NOW before your second run with a yes/no, then do it again after the run is complete to gauge effectiveness of the second run alongside your journal. Go for it, give that subconscious hell, don't give up!