(01-10-2011, 10:28 AM)RainbowAbyss Wrote: To Ryan, I realized that carpe diem combined with Alpha during rough patches is what I think our existential dilemmas amount to, Alpha had given me this really broad way of seeing things, and if I felt like fecal matter one day it didn't really matter cause there was a space around it, knowing it was a detail in the big picture, Carpe diem seems to be cutting into my ability to see the big picture, so when Alpha's going great carpe diem makes things that much better and more active, but when I am going through a downer cycle on Alpha, carpe diem makes things seem like things will be stuck that way forever, which is obviously depressing. Anyway that's my theory, not scientific fact by any means.
Yeah it's weird. I'll find myself doing whatever all day long without any thought behind it, get so absorbed in it that I don't give a shit about anything else and realize my whole day has just passed me by.