Ok guys it´s been a long time since updating this journal like i said i didnt want to post here anymore. The reason is simple i have become so busy with women that i am simply tired talking about them. It´s like if you work 12 hours a day on something then you just dont want to talk about this anymore its like talking about your job then.
I have to admit that i had to restart wm because i stopped using it and listened to am5 refresher for several weeks i will recommend it to anyone to do a rerun or a atleast the refresher of am between programs like sm or wm otherwise you will become just to obsessed with women and wont have the power to succeed in other areas of your life.
So I finished the 66. Days with Stage 1 and I am now several days into Stage 2.
The most common question i get is what program i like more sm or wm. And the answer to this is a though one because all of shanons multi stages are great. They are no joke they are real life changing self development tools it will change who you are and make you another person and this is not an easy process you have to ask yourself if you really want this. No matter who you were before you will become someone else if you listen to shanons sub for a long enough time. I havent finished wm so far, but at this point i can say i like wm more, it seem that you are much cooler and relaxed guy with it and you can have more fun in life. The main difference I can tell from wm is that you are going much less after sex and escalating to sex is harder if it comes from your side you will hear more often from women that you are rude or perverted if you go in a sexual way than with sm but it will happen sometimes that if you chill and relax women push it by themself into this direction. SM will push you more to do the action but this push is not always good it sometimes feels like the exam anxiety you had in school, wm is more relaxed it will let you decide if you want to approach or not and if you do you will feel less nervous and be much cooler. SM gives you a more aggressive and alpha body language and behaviour, other than wm which gives you a cooler and relaxed attitude. The main difference is the manifestation it seems that it is much stronger with wm, but the sexuall attraction and interest is stronger with sm.
Now to me i have done more than 60 approaches during stage 1, it started getting serious with the 32. day of stage 1, i started doing 3-4 cold approaches every day for about 11-14 days. I did approaches in school, at work, in the tube and street. The interactions i had with women are uncountable. I had many adventures with women and many funny cool moments and crazy pick up (me and my friend staged an fake suicide attempt only to make a girls visit us in hospitel hahah
) unfortunatly there is nothing long therm. I had 3-4 relationships during this time which were fantastic and hard at the same time. I have to say that you can much easier slip into the firendzone with wm i have many girls that hook up with me but then continue dating an other guy while always inviting me to their party for kissing with them and making theire boyfriends jealous wtf? Another probleme is that i have lost many girls because they find out that i am dating other women. This is shit because many women think i am a player ask me things like with how many women did you sleep or tell my friends afzal seems to be a womanizer i dont want to be one of many.
I feel like i am learning a lot about women, wm goes really in many different direction. But if you want maxium results you should run am,wm and then sm i think.
WM improved my life in several other directions, i have becomme better in sport, more successful in my company (got a higher position and more responsibilty), poeple show me more respect are willing to help me more or do things for me. Men see me as a cool guy and want to hang out with and women say that i am a more than average guy. Girls who are talking to me cant believe that i am only 24 they say i talk and behave like a 40 year old guy. But there still girls out there who can use my game for theire benefits for example using me to make other guys jealous or trying to use me for paying them stuff or only having sex with them when they want it. I hope it will get better with the further stages.
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I have to admit that i had to restart wm because i stopped using it and listened to am5 refresher for several weeks i will recommend it to anyone to do a rerun or a atleast the refresher of am between programs like sm or wm otherwise you will become just to obsessed with women and wont have the power to succeed in other areas of your life.
So I finished the 66. Days with Stage 1 and I am now several days into Stage 2.
The most common question i get is what program i like more sm or wm. And the answer to this is a though one because all of shanons multi stages are great. They are no joke they are real life changing self development tools it will change who you are and make you another person and this is not an easy process you have to ask yourself if you really want this. No matter who you were before you will become someone else if you listen to shanons sub for a long enough time. I havent finished wm so far, but at this point i can say i like wm more, it seem that you are much cooler and relaxed guy with it and you can have more fun in life. The main difference I can tell from wm is that you are going much less after sex and escalating to sex is harder if it comes from your side you will hear more often from women that you are rude or perverted if you go in a sexual way than with sm but it will happen sometimes that if you chill and relax women push it by themself into this direction. SM will push you more to do the action but this push is not always good it sometimes feels like the exam anxiety you had in school, wm is more relaxed it will let you decide if you want to approach or not and if you do you will feel less nervous and be much cooler. SM gives you a more aggressive and alpha body language and behaviour, other than wm which gives you a cooler and relaxed attitude. The main difference is the manifestation it seems that it is much stronger with wm, but the sexuall attraction and interest is stronger with sm.
Now to me i have done more than 60 approaches during stage 1, it started getting serious with the 32. day of stage 1, i started doing 3-4 cold approaches every day for about 11-14 days. I did approaches in school, at work, in the tube and street. The interactions i had with women are uncountable. I had many adventures with women and many funny cool moments and crazy pick up (me and my friend staged an fake suicide attempt only to make a girls visit us in hospitel hahah

I feel like i am learning a lot about women, wm goes really in many different direction. But if you want maxium results you should run am,wm and then sm i think.
WM improved my life in several other directions, i have becomme better in sport, more successful in my company (got a higher position and more responsibilty), poeple show me more respect are willing to help me more or do things for me. Men see me as a cool guy and want to hang out with and women say that i am a more than average guy. Girls who are talking to me cant believe that i am only 24 they say i talk and behave like a 40 year old guy. But there still girls out there who can use my game for theire benefits for example using me to make other guys jealous or trying to use me for paying them stuff or only having sex with them when they want it. I hope it will get better with the further stages.
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