01-05-2011, 08:26 AM
(01-05-2011, 02:15 AM)Shannon Wrote: Oh, by the way... the super secret experiment I told you guys about several months ago that would be utterly amazing if it worked, and how Prototypes 1 and 2 did not work... I have built Prototype 3. It's still secret, and only Andrew and I have a copy... but I have learned a lot from the second prototype about what was wrong with the program, and why it wasn't doing what it was intended to do. Prototype 3 is a radical departure from P2, and I dare say, I have high hopes for it. Testing begins on Friday for me. If this works as well as I am betting it will, you guys will see this being announced in the store within the next 4 to 6 months. And when I say that you'll want a copy, I am making a serious, major, ridiculous understatement.
If it works like I hope it will, you guys are going to positively mess your pants when you see what it can do. If. Fingers crossed.
I am also performing a different secret experiment with a possible new technology that has been in play three days now, and is producing some really strange and unexpected side effects. It has made me feel as if I am suffering a sunburn, and doubled or tripled my sex drive the whole time I have been exposed so far, but the experimental prototype has nothing to do with causing me to become aroused sexually. This is fascinating stuff. This new technology, too, is truly amazing (if it proves to actually work). It will potentially allow you to do things that are otherwise impossible with conventional subliminals. Truly revolutionary, if it works.
You just love to mess with our heads don't you Shannon?

Come on Shannon, TELL US!!!