01-03-2011, 11:51 PM
(01-03-2011, 11:00 PM)jamboree Wrote: Hi Everyone. Just a little constructive criticism of the 2011 alpha. :-) I think the danger of the 2011 alpha man may become overly-confident, supercompetitive, and possibly a jerk. Nobody will ever be good enough because this person will likely view themselves as extremely high status, unreachable. This maybe good for picking up hot women, but when actually in a relationship, it may cause problems. Also, nobody will be able to do things as perfect as you would like them to, specifically coworkers and your girlfriend or wife, thus damaging relationships. My experience is that people make mistakes and nobody is perfect, but if you are too perfect, even other people's small mistakes may set you off.
I think those attributes individually are good attributes but in combination together and with the attributes of 2010 alpha, it might give a person too much aggression. But, then again, I'm in favor of a humble alpha. I figure a humble alpha is a more balanced alpha. Hopefully, there is something that will keep the above in check. Maybe forgiveness of others, a zen attitude.
Based on people's review of 2010 Alpha, it seemed like a good program (with the polish at the end)that provided a good fundamental core and appeared to be balanced. I was thinking that for the new 2011, the 2010 belief concepts would be the same (maybe a little extra) with new techniques and more effective updated scripts included. So, its more like a good tweak rather than a whole new rebuild. A rebuild, as with software, would have to be tested, versus making what works better.
Shannon, maybe you could put the above belief concepts into another set where people who are using the 2010 won't have to jump off of that and start all over. They can just continue the 2010 and the above attributes can be put into another 2-3 stage set. Or, some people may like the 2010 with updated tweaks and may want to branch off into different areas with other sub sets. Just a thought.
Also, I'm wondering whether people will have to deal with a lot more resistance issues with all that stuff packed in. A lot of change in such a short amount of time seems to bear some cost. Some people may not mind toughing it out, but I think some people do not mind taking their time and letting things cook slowly. It may come out tasting better in the end. People are such in a hurry. I figure my change will take at least a year with the alpha and woman magnet, plus another year with all the stuff Shannon has. I think that is a good pace for change.
Anyway, maybe you already were thinking about the above already Shannon. Also, I'm new here and hopefully this was not too much for a newbie.
Well thought out concerns, my friend. But I have a couple of secrets for you.
1. The program is being built, and as I build it, I may find things that I decide to remove or restructure. Already removed six points from the original list, and I am not entirely sure I like or will keep all of the above. However, until I see how the stage scripts balance, I won't know. But this is subject to change, as the focus is indeed on alpha, and not making all of those core attributes. I'm trying to take the suggestions of my customers, and balance them with what the program is designed to do at it's core.
2. I'm already on all of your concerns. This program is my flagship, and I want it to be done right. You don't have to worry; I am a perfectionist.

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The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!