(07-01-2014, 02:02 PM)Natious Wrote: I have an appointment with a psychologist in exactly a month, and I have no clue how that will turn out since I've never had one before.
I'm not sure that ASC would produce those results on that base, so I agree with the EPRHA being the right sub.
Obviously there is a lot going on. Find someone that you can trust before the psychologist. Someone that you can talk to. If you get in the habit of talking about it there is a good chance that it will be easier when you get in the doc's office. Docs have this thing called "the door handle problem". People come in and talk about everything under the sun except what the real issue. Then just as they are about to leave they put their hand on the door handle they are like btw Doc, my spit is red when I cough after I wake up in the morning.... Get comfortable talking about the issue before you get into the office so it doesn't feel like they are dragging it outta you, you can fix the problem quicker AND it costs you less.