06-10-2014, 01:02 AM
Thank you both :-) To make others understand something without getting a response like excuses excuses bla bla is often difficult, annoying or whatever Word you prefer. I don't understand why others do what they do, or me for that matter. >Those who manage to loose weight on their own, awesome. I don't feel like I can do it on my own. I knew a girl who went on a hospital diet eating only Soup to eeeeeeevery meal. She lost a good amount during two weeks. Unfortunately I didn't see her again before few years later. Not slimmer that I could see when I saw her then. I hope my body will not let me gain lots of weight to see if I will love myself more, because I refuse to believe that will work. I hope that my body will let me weigh around 143 pounds, but I know I will have to wait and see. Those programs are Extreme I think. I could never be on anything like that. To read what is socalled best is confusing, because it can vary so much. One of the funnier Things I read in a book was to never eat less then 800calories, and that wasn't even from 1928 or something. If I manage to be a bit more active as a permanent change, that would be great. Me and the Word excercise are big enemies. I get exhausted just thinking the Word. But being inactive is worse and I feel the effect of that. :-( But I took a little walk yesterday, also to get some air.