11-11-2010, 09:52 PM
(11-11-2010, 12:43 PM)OldMan Wrote: In an effort the help those using the procrastinate sub to persevere past 2 weeks I thought it important that I report on my progress.Thank you for your illuminating description of the experience you had with the sub, from another procrastinating old man.
I've used the Overcome Procrastination for just over 5 weeks. I found that the sub works to remove the negatives that result in procrastination. The speed at which the sub removes procrastination is directly related to the number of times that the specific thing is procrastinated. So for things that you procrastinate only a few times, like cleaning the corner of the basement, the sub will quickly remove the negatives allowing you to clean that corner. The converse of this is things that you have habitually procrastinated over an extended time will take more exposure to the sub before the negatives are removed.
Unfortunately the items in your life that have prompted interest in this sub are most likely deep seated and will take extended exposure to the sub to fully address.
I found that within a week I started doing things around the house which I did not normally do. I found that housework which was always a chore to do became doable. It's not that I was compelled to do the work it's just that when the thought occurred in my mind, there was no resistance to the task. The tasks did not magically become fun and enjoyable, but they were no longer arduous. I started to accomplish on the weekends more than I would have in the previous 2 months. Tasks that I had put off for years, like cleaning the corner of the basement, where now being done.
I found that this sub addresses procrastination around the house faster than items around work. This could also be because of the amount of times I procrastinate at work verses at home.
The reason for getting this sub was to address procrastination at work. I'm seeing an improvement at work, but it did not show up until the fourth week of exposure.
Sometime we procrastinate because of compound negatives. Removal of the negative does not make a good habit or skill magically appear. If you procrastinate reading because you cannot read well, then removal of the negativity of reading does not magically make you read better. What the removal of procrastinate reading does is to allow you to stop procrastinating learning to read better.
Procrastination of something may be due to compound negatives. For example if I procrastinate writing a report, it maybe because I don't type well, can't spell, struggle with grammar, and have bad hand writing, the negatives for each of the sub negatives must be addressed before I can completely remove the habit of procrastinating writing a report.
It's a liberating feeling knowing that I can now accomplish things. Prior to the sub there were tasks and projects which I really wanted to do but knew I would never do because I could not get myself to action. Now those tasks are being planned and being done. It’s great.
I highly recommend this sub with the caveat that it be used for at least four to five weeks. Note: five weeks ago I would not have written this review because I would have procrastinated the writing of it.
You sold me on it, I was one who never was, but have become drastically more so the older I get.