(05-28-2014, 08:36 AM)Tiesto Wrote: My goal with this sub is for it to direct/guide/lead my subconscious mind and my entire being to figure out what is the perfect job for me, and then to attain it.
I understand your points. But maybe you could contact an HR counselor or a psychologist - a professional one. For few reasons:
- he or she can tell you what is the current job market in your area and what your expectations should be. The reason --- once you know the real situation, it's easy to set your personal targets, you will know what to avoid. And you will make your subconscious job a little easy to find the perfect job for you.
- he or she can tell you in which areas (not jobs) you could excel. The reason --- you give to your subconscious conscious proves => the internal resistance can diminish.
It's up to you