Stage 2 day 9
I organized something to reduce expanses by cutting stupid commisions I pay,that will give small boost to my passive income I generate already.Seems so simple now and I could of done it long ago.Nothing big or meaningful but it's a step in the right direction.
Something is working hard on me and generating lots of resistance.Feeling lots of regrets about things I have done in the past,opportunities and things I could of had now.Realizing how stupid I have been.It's not the easiest thing to face.
Feeling very emotionally vulnurable,lonley and tormented those last few days and not in control in my life and not independent.I don't know if it's BAMM or dealing with seeing my meaningful relationship falling to pieces because of my weaknesses and seeing her going with someone else.Also feeling utterly incompetent and useless sometimes.
My dad told me that some men know when they meet the woman they are going to marry.It feels like it was that.Very compatible,huge sparks between us and having lots of fun together.And than it broke down.
It seems that some habits are fading away.Hard to hold on to them as they seem so hollow and meaningless and I don't feel like belong to my life.
Almost they are someone else's life.
I am more discplined lately,pushing myself more some areas and being more creative in them and being less inhibited and more creative.
I'm realizing how being not financially well is hurting me and I'm tired of it.Saw it today in my head as almost a collection of moments in my life going and seeing their consequences on the situation today.
Somewhat tired lately and having some headaches.Probably should reduce the listening time a bit.
I organized something to reduce expanses by cutting stupid commisions I pay,that will give small boost to my passive income I generate already.Seems so simple now and I could of done it long ago.Nothing big or meaningful but it's a step in the right direction.
Something is working hard on me and generating lots of resistance.Feeling lots of regrets about things I have done in the past,opportunities and things I could of had now.Realizing how stupid I have been.It's not the easiest thing to face.
Feeling very emotionally vulnurable,lonley and tormented those last few days and not in control in my life and not independent.I don't know if it's BAMM or dealing with seeing my meaningful relationship falling to pieces because of my weaknesses and seeing her going with someone else.Also feeling utterly incompetent and useless sometimes.
My dad told me that some men know when they meet the woman they are going to marry.It feels like it was that.Very compatible,huge sparks between us and having lots of fun together.And than it broke down.
It seems that some habits are fading away.Hard to hold on to them as they seem so hollow and meaningless and I don't feel like belong to my life.
Almost they are someone else's life.
I am more discplined lately,pushing myself more some areas and being more creative in them and being less inhibited and more creative.
I'm realizing how being not financially well is hurting me and I'm tired of it.Saw it today in my head as almost a collection of moments in my life going and seeing their consequences on the situation today.
Somewhat tired lately and having some headaches.Probably should reduce the listening time a bit.