Quote: Question; is the Alpha set the only one you have done? Or are you doing Women Magnet now, and do you think it would be better if you did the Alpha set first? I know other guys have said it does, but is this your experience too?I have done the following: aura of sexiness, BIATBW, Absolute Self Confidence, and finally Alpha male
Thanks for your help ronatello!
The first two that I mentioned would have been far more effective had I done Alpha Male first. I got some effects from them both.
IMHO, it's of utmost importance to get your confidence sorted out first before doing the attraction subs.
As far as ocean waves vs. ultrasonic, I prefer the ultrasonic since the sound of ocean waves played on speakers and / or headphones would get tiring after a while. Plus, I like mixing the ultrasonic version with music.
Get your pickles!!!