04-10-2014, 02:00 PM
Stage 4 day 5, 9-11 hrs/ day
Bagged today. Really gotta get to bed before midnight. Sun/loudness of sub woke me this morning at 530am. Went for a date yesterday with a girl that I didn't think I'd be able to get a date with two months ago. She was shocked when I asked her. Apparently I'm atypical to the guys that usually ask her out, she kept trying to validate herself and goodness was she ever ansy. The has been a lot of owning up to stuff the last couple of day. Kinda felt like crap at first, but Now I'm happy that I've gone through all that. Looking forward to the stablizing feeling that has come a week and a bit into every stage. When your body is not peaked out from the changes made by the sub and your energy starts to level out. I've found that first week is an endurance trial and you just have to push through. I'm kinda scared about AM6.0 if it's going to use more energy than this then I have to really expand my reserves. ANNNNNNDDDD should eat more food and compensate for the calorie loss. Have a great Thursday!
Bagged today. Really gotta get to bed before midnight. Sun/loudness of sub woke me this morning at 530am. Went for a date yesterday with a girl that I didn't think I'd be able to get a date with two months ago. She was shocked when I asked her. Apparently I'm atypical to the guys that usually ask her out, she kept trying to validate herself and goodness was she ever ansy. The has been a lot of owning up to stuff the last couple of day. Kinda felt like crap at first, but Now I'm happy that I've gone through all that. Looking forward to the stablizing feeling that has come a week and a bit into every stage. When your body is not peaked out from the changes made by the sub and your energy starts to level out. I've found that first week is an endurance trial and you just have to push through. I'm kinda scared about AM6.0 if it's going to use more energy than this then I have to really expand my reserves. ANNNNNNDDDD should eat more food and compensate for the calorie loss. Have a great Thursday!