(03-23-2014, 04:24 PM)shmily Wrote:(03-22-2014, 09:12 AM)Fonzy3 Wrote: I have a feeling motivation is going to end up being one of my strongest characteristics I've spent so much time looking within looking for answers to know myself in regards to how to be more motivated. There's so much in my conscious that I can use to prop up my results in regards to motivation. I also manifested an extra 100 dollars in the past 24 hours.
Update: I'm getting so much done today, it feels great, Ultra Motivation is amazing.
Now your report makes me want to try Ultra motivation! However I don't believe in jumping from one sub to another so I will just stick with the current ones for now. I only intend to use US for 2 months though. Do you think it is too short for the sub to take full effect?
Yeah man trust me you're talking to the right guy. I used to be absolutely strict on using one sub at a time even 3G and making sure I got enough exposure to the subs. You'll see improvements, the more exposure you get the better the results. 96 days is recommended , 96 days on , 32 days off and 96 days on for one sub would give you near permanent results. Just like the six stage subs that are offered you should listen to a sub for however long it takes to get your intended results. To answer your question I would use it for 96 days. I thought you were unfamiliar with subs and wanted to know what would give you the most obvious results right now if you were not feeling anything.
Day 33
I am noticing that I have this "pumped up" feeling where ever I go. When I have a plan that includes going from one place to another I am absolutely comfortable with following through. I'm getting more done than ever before! Ultra Success is complimenting Ultra Motivation very well. I now used to these two subs and every moment listening to them that goes by uplifts my state of mind. I look toward what I have to achieve today with a positive feeling that it will be helpful and I'll be successful. I am starting a health and fitness regime today which I will be keeping track of for the next five weeks. Once again, it is very reassuring to know that I have these subs supporting me throughout the day.
I used to forcefully release with subliminal usage which threw my emotions out of line in regards to motivation I have now overcome that issue and the sub has been providing me with motivation each day. UM feels like it is really beggining to kick in. Looking forward to see the increased affects for the next five months. All the subliminals in the shop work, my intention was just that I had to make up for the past few months i've been releasing as well as combining subs. Conciously looking for ways to release while using subs prevented me from experiencing great results and experiencing the best results for the past amount of time experimenting was necessary to improve my life.
As I am now seeing greater and greater results while I listen to these subs again plans that have been made previously seem a bit iffy to follow through with because I made them during my pre success/ motivated mind state. I don't want to rush into things is what my intuition is saying but at the same time I'm hungry for success. The common denominator is exactly how much I get done between now and when my plans are so i'll play it by ear. Planning and preparation is a great way to achieve success, and I've noticed that the idea of accomplishing something- then "still" having time to live in prosperity is what resonates with me when I think about motivation. I could work for 10 years building my life... Then still have time to live in prosperity. It's a true enough statement and one to remember when you think about doing anything else that isn't productive.
I planned to get six hours of sleep today and was able to follow through with this. It's like I am successfully getting whatever I set my mind to. Extensions on assignments in university, which provide me more time. Appointments going well, events in my daily life that were tough are barely even noticeable any more and just provide success. These combination of subs have to be used by the upcoming generation in school and that are working. The whole idea of wasting time and making up excuses to do so is erased. There is only success and motivation to further it. Headphones have really been helping me feel the full affects of these subs and I still use gratitude practices from time to time. There are times where I just feel like doing work, getting things done. I am genuinely motivated. Day 1 of my health and fitness regiment has been successful, my current weight is 219.6 lbs. Noticed a reduced amount of "snacking", US is providing me with this can do feeling to get everything I want done. My parents are mentioning about graduation presents, and are interested in getting me a car. I am more interested in earning my own money to purchase my dream car. I am going to buy a new suit soon so I can have my updated success match my wardrobe

Edit: Sex with my girlfriend has been more passionate and intense recently, fireworks like the 1st of July. She has been asking me questions about having a threesome and who to have it with e.g. with celebrities or friends lol getting more turned on when talking to me then usual. When I plan out events in my mind, I am beginning to get more of an urge to act and complete one task at a time before re strategizing what I do next, this is giving a huge boost to my productivity!