03-13-2014, 02:19 PM
(03-12-2014, 03:10 AM)MasterEnki Wrote: The quote option seems to have disappeared from the forum(s) (Or maybe my browser is just screwing up!!)
Fonzy said:
Getting compliments seems like a manifestation we both have in common. How long did you use APE 4G for?
I've seen a few manifestations that are probably linked to Ultra Success sub (more details below).
I used Attract Positive Energy for 90 Days, but didn't see much in the way of results.
Fonzy said:
Yeah, there's a reason for everything, each positive thought is important. And our subconscious is being given these positive messages for about 20 hours a day. its absolutely wonderful and to be in touch with that shows you have a great appreciation for subs.
I get between 9 - 13 Hours per day (24 Hour period) when using subs.
I think that deeply held thoughts, that are re-inforced many times, tend to manifest when the circumstances allow for it.
I just finished my 50 Days of Ultra Success 4G -I will be updating my Journal in a day or two with very detailed post - But I'll put some more basic details here (to help 'compare notes' with Fonzy / whoever else is using Ultra Success 4G).
I've seen alot more likely results, compared to APE 4G.
Interestingly, I had almost no resistance when using Ultra Success.
I've noticed some internal changes.
I'm feeling more ruthless towards accomplishing my goals, and also kinda annoyed with the frustrating stupidity, shallowness, incompetence and indifference from the people around me / that I know well.
As for external manifestations (that are probably influenced by Ultra Success):
* Person at work saying in front of a small crowd of people, that I'm valuable to the organisation and that I'm doing a pretty good job.
* I was getting a fresh vegetable / fruit juice at a local shop, when the woman took the lid off (the juicer), and it sprayed all over me (and my clothing). She gave me a wet cloth, and after 5 minutes of me scrubbing the stains from my clothes, she gave me the juice for free. (No puns intended)
* Another person (more recently), was asking about what I do at work, and when I was explaining, she kept saying "Good for you", then she walked away.
* I also noticed that some of the people at work are now ignoring me / shunning me (that used to acknowledge me / talk to me).
I'll be starting Luck Magnifier after a few days off subs, though I'll be following your (Fonzy) Journal as a matter of interest.
I'll probably end up doing Ultra Success again in a few months time.
The quotes working fine now might've been your browser.
That's funny you didn't see many results with APE. Emotional health is tough to focus on when we are so geared to making something more of ourselves success wise. I've noticed that subs like these will probably be useful, more money= more time= more opportunity to improve our emotional health ahah.
Yeah deeply held thoughts manifest when the circumstances allow it.
Yes i've noticed internal changes and very obvious changes in regards success. It seems like a tough topic to resist but many people are different and have beliefs that could prove otherwise.
Awesome to hear about your ruthlessness a lot of great leaders have to embody that trait to get ahead. In regards to the people around me i've dropped any opposition that came up towards the world and I, now I just let my actions do all the talking. With everything i've been through and all my self exploration. I ain't scared of the fall... i've felt the ground before.
Awesome to hear about your compliments at work MasterEnki, also in regards to the juice situation - that's one way to get a free drink

Yeah man I will be checking up on your Luck Magnifier results. May you see a lot of prosperity in the next couple months. I appreciate your insight on my journal.