(01-26-2014, 06:22 PM)Fonzy3 Wrote: Hey man those are awesome results you've got so far. I would like to know how the women in your life have reacted since using the subs and approximately how long have you been using it for? Looking forward to read more posts from you.
Hey Fonzy, thanks for the comments. I am currently in college so luckily I have the opportunity to frequently interact with women on a daily basis. In my opinion, the overall thoughts in regards to responses from women are very positive.
They seem to gravitate to me more since I put out lots of great, positive, fun energy that is deemed "valuable". I use a lot of theories and concepts from a website called rsdnation.com and I think the subs really work well in addition to those.
I was at a bar last week with a few buddies and I saw some girl that really struck my attention. Instead of overthinking it, I just approached her, and I was really congruent in terms of my thoughts, words, and actions. I gave off a fun and sexual vibe without seeming needy or desperate at all. In short, we had a really fun night.

I've been using Winner's Mindset for almost 3 weeks, and Dominance for 1 week. I think it's worked this fast without encountering major resistance because I consciously try to self-improve into a more winner's mentality and dominant attitude on a daily basis.