12-29-2013, 06:31 AM
I discovered, by accident, that you can test the silent subliminal files with your phone using several programs from the Android store. I'm sure you can find them for Apple as well.
One of the programs is n-track tuner, which is an instrument/guitar tuner. And I have also used Spectrum Analyze. I have NOT found a speaker that doesn't test positively, even after testing cheaply made systems and old cell phones. I tested my mom's system and her speakers are rated at only 16 khz ... or would it be 16,000? You know what I mean
Her speakers seem to test the same as my Definitive Technology speakers, at least with Silent Subs.
Anyways, I withdraw my earlier statement that enhancers can disable the effects of Subliminal audio. I read that from a different site before I found these guys. I apologize for that and I hope this helps. Also, I can not prove that compressing the file will have a negative affect, however, compression removes bits of information/data from the file, as far as I know. I'm no expert and I can only hope my information is accurate.
One of the programs is n-track tuner, which is an instrument/guitar tuner. And I have also used Spectrum Analyze. I have NOT found a speaker that doesn't test positively, even after testing cheaply made systems and old cell phones. I tested my mom's system and her speakers are rated at only 16 khz ... or would it be 16,000? You know what I mean

Anyways, I withdraw my earlier statement that enhancers can disable the effects of Subliminal audio. I read that from a different site before I found these guys. I apologize for that and I hope this helps. Also, I can not prove that compressing the file will have a negative affect, however, compression removes bits of information/data from the file, as far as I know. I'm no expert and I can only hope my information is accurate.