wow Edo, thank you so much for such a wonderful reply. You seem that you understood me perfectly and didn't tried to tell me to change my mind about a decision, instead you offered me an alternative. I am thinking now to follow up with your recommendation, especially that it will blend perfectly to our New Year Resolution 
I was a bit hesitant about Stop Smoking 5.0, mostly because even if I want to quit smoking cigarettes, I don't want to quit smoking weed. I do it a few times every 2 months or so, so it's something that personally, for me, it helps on many plans
But I won't go much into that now. My point was that I was afraid that somehow it will affect that area as well, where smoking is included, although and even if I smoke my weed clean, with no tobacco added.
My friend told me to put money together and buy Ultra Success 4G (it's not very expensive I know), but I think now it's time to tel him about this thread and your post
He doesn't visit the forums, he is the kind of person who buys and do it, if I can say like that.
As a side question, would it be good if I would go 1 month on Ultra Success 4G and the next month I would start with Life Tune Up 3.0 5G? And we would only go with LTU 5G and quit US 4G because I know that 5G doesn't have to be mixed with anything else. I'm asking because I also want to find a solution that will satisfy me and him too

I was a bit hesitant about Stop Smoking 5.0, mostly because even if I want to quit smoking cigarettes, I don't want to quit smoking weed. I do it a few times every 2 months or so, so it's something that personally, for me, it helps on many plans

My friend told me to put money together and buy Ultra Success 4G (it's not very expensive I know), but I think now it's time to tel him about this thread and your post

As a side question, would it be good if I would go 1 month on Ultra Success 4G and the next month I would start with Life Tune Up 3.0 5G? And we would only go with LTU 5G and quit US 4G because I know that 5G doesn't have to be mixed with anything else. I'm asking because I also want to find a solution that will satisfy me and him too