Day 89
There's one more day till I have reached my goal of committing my time for this subliminal. All in all I recommend this sub for students especially those that are younger. This would definitely lay a good foundation for youths growing up and they will get confidence from their success in school. For any current students in university this program will improve your marks but don't expect to go from a D- to straight A's. It is definitely possible, but I think there is a increased amount of time usage needed for this goal. The permanent route of 90 days on, 1 month off and continue for another 90 days would be ideal.
Personally this program has done wonders for me. Never before have I ever felt like I could make education my top priority without feeling like everything else was falling apart. Tapping came into play with this issue and I now feel comfortable expressing how improving my grades is the most important thing for me at the moment. I trust in my decision for using the sub and having this time dedicated to my learning. This principle naturally produces everything else positively; my relationships, health, money flow and career. I have achieved my dream of having an A grade on all of my courses at the moment. This is a solid 10 percent improvement from my previous semester. With my combination of skills, habits and what I know about the law of attraction every day I am getting closer to the ideal student I want to be. Instead of feeling so relieved that i've finished my exam season, I am now on to a new assignment, content and ready for the next achievement. I got this semester and the end result of having the grades I want in the palm of my hands.
Ways to improve this program would be to include motivation and self discipline. There were times where I woke up knowing I had to do all this school work first, but I didn't have the "push" to tackle it. I did something else that felt pleasurable like eat breakfast or talk to my girlfriend. It was tough to get down to it but when I did, my productivity was amazing. Every so often I would get distracted and go on Facebook when I could use that extra time of studying to make my exam go by better. Discipline would help this. FEFT rearranged these beliefs and now I feel like it is absolutely effortless to get in the mood and take on what has to be done.
There's one more day till I have reached my goal of committing my time for this subliminal. All in all I recommend this sub for students especially those that are younger. This would definitely lay a good foundation for youths growing up and they will get confidence from their success in school. For any current students in university this program will improve your marks but don't expect to go from a D- to straight A's. It is definitely possible, but I think there is a increased amount of time usage needed for this goal. The permanent route of 90 days on, 1 month off and continue for another 90 days would be ideal.
Personally this program has done wonders for me. Never before have I ever felt like I could make education my top priority without feeling like everything else was falling apart. Tapping came into play with this issue and I now feel comfortable expressing how improving my grades is the most important thing for me at the moment. I trust in my decision for using the sub and having this time dedicated to my learning. This principle naturally produces everything else positively; my relationships, health, money flow and career. I have achieved my dream of having an A grade on all of my courses at the moment. This is a solid 10 percent improvement from my previous semester. With my combination of skills, habits and what I know about the law of attraction every day I am getting closer to the ideal student I want to be. Instead of feeling so relieved that i've finished my exam season, I am now on to a new assignment, content and ready for the next achievement. I got this semester and the end result of having the grades I want in the palm of my hands.
Ways to improve this program would be to include motivation and self discipline. There were times where I woke up knowing I had to do all this school work first, but I didn't have the "push" to tackle it. I did something else that felt pleasurable like eat breakfast or talk to my girlfriend. It was tough to get down to it but when I did, my productivity was amazing. Every so often I would get distracted and go on Facebook when I could use that extra time of studying to make my exam go by better. Discipline would help this. FEFT rearranged these beliefs and now I feel like it is absolutely effortless to get in the mood and take on what has to be done.