03-29-2013, 03:51 PM
(03-29-2013, 10:08 AM)Shannon Wrote:Quote:Ive read Shannons post where he said something about a que adding to the unprocessed information, what i was hoping to find out is, does the que fill up and have a cap? or can it continue adding to the que for weeks until, for example, 90 days of listening with no rest days ends?
If it doesnt fill up then i have nothing to worry about.
I don't know if it fills up or not, or if it has a cap. Not enough feedback. No reasonable way to find out. I don't recommend "filling the queue", though, so 16 hours a day is a good maximum for most situations.
Allow me to clarify something, though, about 5G. The instructions for 5G stating that up to 21 hours a day was useful were there because:
- I was unsure how much time was optimal for 5G at that time, and wanted to leave it open as much as possible to find out, and
- The 21 hours a day was specifically intended for the stop smoking program, as that is the amount necessary for more resistant smokers to get maximum benefit and achieve maximum success with the program.
Unless you are using Stop Smoking Forever, AND you have a resistant or addictive personality, 8 to 16 hours a day is fine with 5G. Especially if you're using headphones.
The programs "tunnel" as you use them more and more, reaching deeper and deeper levels of your subconscious. If you encounter a deeply held conflicting belief, or a fear gets triggered by the script, it can have a temporary effect such as you are experiencing. Just keep going. In such cases, 90 days is recommended.
Could not ask for a better answer.

Revel in the chaos brethren, for this too shall pass.
This is what girls who squat look like
This is what girls who squat look like
