(01-29-2013, 06:31 PM)brad1984mason Wrote: Well I use ultrasonic so my wife can't hear it, and I just plug my mp3 player (which has a speaker) into the wall and leave it running. She's confused why I do that, because no matter how much I explain it, she still seems to think it not working, because she can't hear it. Now I just insist that she not turn it off regardless, and she doesn't, because she knows when to choose her battles. I think she forgot about it about 4 months ago.
Don't use earphones for the long hours. Who wants to have earphones in 8 hours of the day?
If you can't hear the subliminals, good. You're not supposed to. If you can hear it, its too loud. When I first started on subs I put a libido type one on, and I cranked it up really high because I thought I was supposed to hear the static. One day I had a dream where I could hear some woman groaning in the bedroom, and it was so loud I felt like she was groaning into a megaphone in a rock concert and I was standing next to the speakers. When I woke up I turned it down to a level where, if I play something normal like a song, its a good comfortable volume. Then I switched it back to the ultrasonic one. Ultrasonic means its too high to hear, like a dog whistle. However, your subconscious can still hear it loud and clear, so if you put it up too high, it could damage your ears.
[b][b]Ok so i could use my blueberry, plug it in 2 speakers, set the speakers about 2-3 meters from my ears and just play it? [/b][/b]
The stream seems nice but i am not sure if i would be able to fall asleep using it(or i may wake up in the middle of the night) so ultrasonic may be a better option.Damn i didn't know it can damage you hearing....how do i adjust the volume on ultrasonic???
When i was in high school i used to play counter strike,i always wore headphones and after 30 minutes+ my ears would hurt really bad and i would get even mild headaches.I don't want to touch them.During the day i would just use speakers, i don't want to put anything in my ears.