08-18-2010, 08:44 PM
Well, time to give a report. I have been using Become Irresistibly Attractive To Beautiful Women for right around 30 days now. Let me tell you when I notice a difference now. Here is my take of this. I started using this right after using ASC. It seems now that I have very little to no trouble approaching females. I insult them, in a playful way, and they just laugh and we talk. I have 1 girl very interested in me, and another one mildly interested, but only because I just met her. Probably a bad idea though since she is a co-worker. But BIABW seems to have amplified ASC for me because I just have confidence no matter where I am. I will continue to use it and will probably revisit ASC to make sure that there are permanent changes. I work with mostly females and it seems that work from now is going to be very interesting and fun. Will report back.