08-17-2010, 02:16 PM
Something happened today. Something insignificant but I think still worth mentioning. On the way to the gym I stopped of at a local convenience store to pick up a drink. I got to the till and waited in line. My turn came and I handed over my drink to the person serving me, the person did whatever till people do: scanned the item, typed in a code, I don't know, either way it was taking a bit of time, several minutes in fact and I was stood there patiently. It's worth mentioning that I wasn't in a day dream, tired, minding my own business or anything like that when I suddenly noticed that the person serving me was in fact an incredibly beautiful women of a similar age to myself. Not just standard good looking; really, really good looking in an overtly striking way. How did I not notice this for the other 5 minutes she had been stood right in front of me? Either this is a truly phenomenal testament to me not being needy regarding Women any more, or it's me noticing Women in places I've never noticed - or expected to notice - them before (could I have been missing girls like this my entire life? Right in front of my own eyes!) It's either one or the other, but regardless, it's fair to say that Women Magnet is working, and now presenting evidence not just as belief/feeling changes internally but as external reality to.
“To be normal is the ideal aim of the unsuccessful.” - Carl Jung