I think I have a fear of success or something.
This morning when I was walking to my first period class. I saw a friend who I was about to wave to. Then I had a really strange thought. The thought was something along the lines of "You are to confident. You're doing to well, being nervous and insecure was more comfortable. Being successful is scary. You are putting to much of yourself out there." Then instantly I caught myself and I could not belive what I just thought. A couple of times ive had thoughts like this. Although I cant give specific examples brcause I cant remember quite right.
This morning when I was walking to my first period class. I saw a friend who I was about to wave to. Then I had a really strange thought. The thought was something along the lines of "You are to confident. You're doing to well, being nervous and insecure was more comfortable. Being successful is scary. You are putting to much of yourself out there." Then instantly I caught myself and I could not belive what I just thought. A couple of times ive had thoughts like this. Although I cant give specific examples brcause I cant remember quite right.