1. Develop a burning desire to make large amounts of money. E.g. I have a burning desire to make money; I will make over (set number here, example 50, 100, 200, million dollars). As you know brain responds effectively if the goal is specific.
2. Acquire a belief that you deserve to make lots of money, e.g. I deserve to make million dollars, I have every right to make large amounts of money
3. Keep an unshakable positive and overly optimistic attitude. E.g. I am positive at all times; I have an unshakable optimistic attitude.
4. Develop a "work hard and go all out attitude" to ensure you get what you want. E.g. I work hard at all times to get what I want, I go all out for success.
5. See failure as a learning experience which only makes you more driven and motivated. E.g. I am always learning from my actions; I become more and more determined at any setback; I respond to negativity with more drive and determination
6. Become more determined and driven if people are negative towards you or your ideas. E.g. I am driven and motivated in the face of negativity; I thrive under pressure
7. Enjoy and thrive on taking calculated risks.
8. Live for the challenge in life, e.g. I live for a challenge in life, I enjoy a challenge, I enjoy taking risks
9. Aim for the top levels of success in your financial pursuits.
10. See the opportunity in everything.
11. Take action immediately without any hesitation - as soon as you have made a decision. e.g. I always take action as soon as possible
12. Stick to your decisions and always get what you want due to a strong desire for success and rock solid self belief. E.g. I have solid belief in my decisions, I stick to my decision at all times having a lot of money and being financially secure is possible for me.
13. Really Feel like you deserve money, and are truly entitled to be rich, wealthy, and financially comfortable. E.g. I will be extremely wealthy, I deserve to be rich, being rich and wealthy is my birth-right, I am entitled to be rich.
14. Believe in yourself and that you can make money, that you are fully capable of making vastly more money than you currently do, and that there is nothing which can hold you back. E.g. I believe in myself and my ability to make money, I am capable of making large amounts of money; I have large goals when it comes to money, having a lot of money and being financially secure is possible for me
15. Set your sights higher instead of wanting enough money to live on, or "asking" for a little more you will set your targets higher, much higher - to become rich, financially secure, and to make more money than ever before. E.g. I go all out for success
16. Focus on money. I will find myself thinking about how to save it, how to make more, and always be on the lookout for new opportunities and chances to make money. E.g. I am always focused on and thinking about money, I am completely focused on making and acquiring more money, I am good with money and naturally seek it out.
17. Start to see money as a positive thing as something which will bring you good, improve your life, and open up more opportunities to you. E.g. Money is a good thing and will improve my life, I feel positive about money and the good it will bring me.
18. Lose any hidden resentments surrounding money, or towards wealthy people. These resentments and jealous tendencies only hold you back and ultimately stop you from making money. E.g. I belief the wealthy that I have will not only improve my life, but also a lot of people; I can help many people with my wealth and abundance.
19. Ability to make a lot more money than the average wage, which has multiple streams of revenue, always looking for ways to make money, and have always had plenty. E.g. I am always looking for new opportunities and ways to make money, I am making more money than ever before.
If you interested about the money beliefs and how it affects you, I found short story about that. http://thetahealinganimalhealing.wordpre...ttraction/
2. Acquire a belief that you deserve to make lots of money, e.g. I deserve to make million dollars, I have every right to make large amounts of money
3. Keep an unshakable positive and overly optimistic attitude. E.g. I am positive at all times; I have an unshakable optimistic attitude.
4. Develop a "work hard and go all out attitude" to ensure you get what you want. E.g. I work hard at all times to get what I want, I go all out for success.
5. See failure as a learning experience which only makes you more driven and motivated. E.g. I am always learning from my actions; I become more and more determined at any setback; I respond to negativity with more drive and determination
6. Become more determined and driven if people are negative towards you or your ideas. E.g. I am driven and motivated in the face of negativity; I thrive under pressure
7. Enjoy and thrive on taking calculated risks.
8. Live for the challenge in life, e.g. I live for a challenge in life, I enjoy a challenge, I enjoy taking risks
9. Aim for the top levels of success in your financial pursuits.
10. See the opportunity in everything.
11. Take action immediately without any hesitation - as soon as you have made a decision. e.g. I always take action as soon as possible
12. Stick to your decisions and always get what you want due to a strong desire for success and rock solid self belief. E.g. I have solid belief in my decisions, I stick to my decision at all times having a lot of money and being financially secure is possible for me.
13. Really Feel like you deserve money, and are truly entitled to be rich, wealthy, and financially comfortable. E.g. I will be extremely wealthy, I deserve to be rich, being rich and wealthy is my birth-right, I am entitled to be rich.
14. Believe in yourself and that you can make money, that you are fully capable of making vastly more money than you currently do, and that there is nothing which can hold you back. E.g. I believe in myself and my ability to make money, I am capable of making large amounts of money; I have large goals when it comes to money, having a lot of money and being financially secure is possible for me
15. Set your sights higher instead of wanting enough money to live on, or "asking" for a little more you will set your targets higher, much higher - to become rich, financially secure, and to make more money than ever before. E.g. I go all out for success
16. Focus on money. I will find myself thinking about how to save it, how to make more, and always be on the lookout for new opportunities and chances to make money. E.g. I am always focused on and thinking about money, I am completely focused on making and acquiring more money, I am good with money and naturally seek it out.
17. Start to see money as a positive thing as something which will bring you good, improve your life, and open up more opportunities to you. E.g. Money is a good thing and will improve my life, I feel positive about money and the good it will bring me.
18. Lose any hidden resentments surrounding money, or towards wealthy people. These resentments and jealous tendencies only hold you back and ultimately stop you from making money. E.g. I belief the wealthy that I have will not only improve my life, but also a lot of people; I can help many people with my wealth and abundance.
19. Ability to make a lot more money than the average wage, which has multiple streams of revenue, always looking for ways to make money, and have always had plenty. E.g. I am always looking for new opportunities and ways to make money, I am making more money than ever before.
If you interested about the money beliefs and how it affects you, I found short story about that. http://thetahealinganimalhealing.wordpre...ttraction/
It is not the goodbyes that hurt but the flashbacks that follow.....