11-06-2012, 02:14 PM
3. Of happy mind. In moderation, it is an asset, and not a liability. A bit of humor seasons everything. The greatest man plays the fool at times, for it makes him popular; only his manners are forever checked by his mind, and proper homage is paid to decorum. Some can make of a bit of wit a short cut out of every difficulty, for certain things should be taken lightly and often the very ones which other take most seriously. He who shows himself affable, captures all hearts.
4. Know how to be all things to all men. A wise Proteus, he who is learned with the learned, and with the pious, pious: it is the great way of winning all to you: for to be like, is to be liked. Observe each man's spirit and adapt yourself: to the serious, or to the jovial, as the case may be, by following the fashion, through a politic change within yourself: a veritable necessity in those who are dependant. But this great rule of life calls for rich talent: being least difficult to that man of the world whose mind is filled with knowledge, and whose spirit is filled with taste
4. Know how to be all things to all men. A wise Proteus, he who is learned with the learned, and with the pious, pious: it is the great way of winning all to you: for to be like, is to be liked. Observe each man's spirit and adapt yourself: to the serious, or to the jovial, as the case may be, by following the fashion, through a politic change within yourself: a veritable necessity in those who are dependant. But this great rule of life calls for rich talent: being least difficult to that man of the world whose mind is filled with knowledge, and whose spirit is filled with taste