11-03-2012, 05:27 PM
Really rough couple of days. I find myself more socially outgoing though. More confident, but whilei feel more confident I also feel more insecure and down on myself. I'm beating myself up a bunch more. It might be the sub it might not be, this has most likely been the most stressful time of my life, and before these subs right now i bet you I'd be a mess but to my amazement I'm doing ok.
What I learned from my friends death is that life can slip away at any moment. If your house burns down you can buy a new house, if you go broke you can always make more money, but if you miss a moment you can not ever get it back. Thats why I'm thinking about running carpe diem as well. I think I learned a valuable lesson and I want to use that sub because I think life wants me to.
What I learned from my friends death is that life can slip away at any moment. If your house burns down you can buy a new house, if you go broke you can always make more money, but if you miss a moment you can not ever get it back. Thats why I'm thinking about running carpe diem as well. I think I learned a valuable lesson and I want to use that sub because I think life wants me to.