08-23-2024, 07:16 AM
Today I feel a bit depressed. I had dreams as usual (wonky or otherwise). I'm debating whether to finish up 7 months of EHPRA and move on to OGSF v2 or go for one more month because it's still going. I can't seem to decide on this.
I did manage to get my weight back below 99 kg. So I guess the weight gain was a temporary side-effect of cheat days. I am also being pretty consistent in my workout regimen (which ain't much all things considered, some pushups, some situps, some barbell exercises, also gradually adding some abs exercises, like plank and reverse crunches).
One guy from my expert through experience course went through a bit of a crisis recently, i helped him out and now he thinks we're best buds forever (we're not). Oy. It's good practice should I feel like pursuing this "peer support" thing profressionally (though I prefer singing), but a nuisance - he called while I was in the middle of my EHPRA loops for the day to talk about nothing at all, araeijrieojtesdl. :grrr:
Although I do get it because I could use some kind, compassionate company myself. Were he an attractive chick I'd have had more patience.
I did manage to get my weight back below 99 kg. So I guess the weight gain was a temporary side-effect of cheat days. I am also being pretty consistent in my workout regimen (which ain't much all things considered, some pushups, some situps, some barbell exercises, also gradually adding some abs exercises, like plank and reverse crunches).
One guy from my expert through experience course went through a bit of a crisis recently, i helped him out and now he thinks we're best buds forever (we're not). Oy. It's good practice should I feel like pursuing this "peer support" thing profressionally (though I prefer singing), but a nuisance - he called while I was in the middle of my EHPRA loops for the day to talk about nothing at all, araeijrieojtesdl. :grrr:

"A man who is doing his True Will has the inertia of the Universe to assist him." - A. Crowley