12-11-2023, 06:52 AM
Last week, I made an order of some back up herbal medication, I needed, called the company to check on the status of the order, had a real good connection with the Gal, representative, she pushed the order thru, and not only, did I receive my order soon than later, but I also got an extra bottle , of the same product, in the mail, much to my surprise!! I'd ordered off of Ebay but ,found the direct company /brand name online and called them.... so enough herbal madication of MSM & TMG, to back me up and carry me thru until February.
May not seem like a lot ,but it is to me ,and things like this happen ,n one way or another, almost every week now. That is things lining up, synchronicities, Freebie's, right place right time connecting with some one,etc.
I took a good look at MM, and thought well college takes 4 years and it surely is an investment of time,energy and ah umm, Money.
Since I've done so already with all three,with MM, I decided,like college, to not take a long break from Money Magnet, rather instead to keep going with it. This is MY shorter week of running Money Magnet. 3 days, on & off.
The Journey continues.
May not seem like a lot ,but it is to me ,and things like this happen ,n one way or another, almost every week now. That is things lining up, synchronicities, Freebie's, right place right time connecting with some one,etc.
I took a good look at MM, and thought well college takes 4 years and it surely is an investment of time,energy and ah umm, Money.
Since I've done so already with all three,with MM, I decided,like college, to not take a long break from Money Magnet, rather instead to keep going with it. This is MY shorter week of running Money Magnet. 3 days, on & off.
The Journey continues.
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"