Quote:You guess? That doesn't sound very confident. Make uppa you mind, eh? Wink Make your choice, commit to it fully and get behind that choice 100%. You will see that the Universe loves to get behind you when you do this.
Yeah old Habbit die hard but that doesn't mean I'm not going to give it my all! Heck I just bought the stuff I got left on my wanted list and will now stop buying pointless stuff to save the money needed to succeed my Journey To Adulthood and become an Alpha Male!
Quote: Being specific about your goals and intentions makes a huge difference. Especially if you write them down and keep them visible. I suggest you write this down by hand, and put it somewhere you'll see it every day for at least a few minutes, and the more time, the better:
My current specific goals are to use Aura of Love for a total of 4 months, then use Overcoming Guilt, Shame and Fear for a total of at least 6 months (or until Absolute Self Confidence 6G comes out), and use Absolute Self Confidence 6G until Alpha Male v7 in 6G comes out. Then I use Alpha Male 7.0 in 6G as instructed. All of this is to achieve my major goal of successfully growing myself into a self sufficient, fully capable man who is an adult in actions, choices and self identity, which allows me to successfully achieve even bigger goals.
Notice exactly how that goal statement is phrased. It does not say "I will", it uses current tense. This prevents your subconscious from being able to play BS lawyer games because it's in future tense, since the future never comes.
Write that down exactly as I've worded it, and post it where you'll see it every day. As you achieve each sub-goal, re-write this goal by hand without the goals you have already achieved, until you've achieved all of the goals. And every time you achieve one of the sub-goals, reward yourself in a way that makes you happy, without contributing to your current challenges. In other words... food of any kind is not a suitable reward for you, and you should never use it as such.
I can do that Heck not only will I write it in English I will write it in Dutch (my native language) too.

I can place it behind my closet just to make sure I wont get any conflict about it.
it will be challenging to stop getting unneeded food but like I said I'm going to stop wasting money on it, Not when I can finally Become an Alpha!
It might take a 2 or 3 years but I know it will be worth it

Quote:Reward yourself in ways that make you happy, celebrate your success and make you feel like you've been acknowledged as having succeeded, even if only by yourself. Give yourself something to look forward to as you achieve each goal. Positive reinforcement, NOT negative reinforcement!
hmm I do wonder with what though.. food is out of question and I buy my own games... then again if I get to focus myself more on my hobbies instead of pointless distraction than it would make things alot easier already.
(also I'm sure the reason why I always say things with lack of confidence is because I'm aware of my lack of self controll and lack of will power, So I guess the fear to mess up is always around the corner...)