10-13-2023, 11:42 AM
(10-13-2023, 10:30 AM)Shannon Wrote:(10-12-2023, 08:23 AM)ncbeareatingman Wrote: Last 3 days, super depressed and apathetic. not like me at all. Oh the being depressed from being around toxic people ( relatives) yeah mild to medium grade downers, yeah but this was 'seemingly' outta no where and much more 'way laying;,plus "5D energies and more!
I stayed up ALL night so that I could be up until the early afternoon,to help get my regular sleep schedule back TODAY/Tonight, so to speak.. I,'d also planned and WENT for a 2 1/2 mile walk ,to the country store, on a very cloudy OCTOBER morn. LOVE IT !! Understatement. Had not done so in months, I feel sooo much much better, my body hurts but My Spirit is soaring!!
The goals starting next week is to put in at least one mile in every other day,until I workin it in,every day. Todays was a 5 mile'er co I'd not done so in many months on foot, Summer here was ah...in a word BRUTAL! Love love Autumn.
The road to a thousand miles begins with ONE STEP !!
The journey deepens and definitely continues... C'mon "Poor House " Mentality Take a Hike !! IM Ready for the Royal !! Have been ready, biot now more than ever !!
So is this depression just toxic relatives, or are you working through something deep with MM too? I've felt mildly depressed a couple of times on MM in the beginning because I was basically working through something my subconscious self didn't want to face, but it knew it couldn't stop MM from achieving its goals. Lately, my inner child is really fighting me on MM because I guess we must be close to a breakthrough of some sort that's going to go places, but it's not depression, it's more mild anxiety that I feel whenever the resistant parts have the upper hand.
Thanks Z- Man and Shannon !!
Its both Shannon, toxic relatives and working thru stuff with MM and other things. Drinking LOTS of water and movement help.
IM really out of shape and have been for too long, so walking a total of 5 miles yesterday, really woke up a lot muscles and boy am I feeling it today. it hurts but its benefciall in the long run,I AM slowly working with that = as in exercise.
However such movement in the body be it specific and over all, 'shakes loose and awaken's" some suppressed and/or blocked energy and emotions....
I do believe that YES I AM working thru some major stuff connected with Money Magnet and the fears there of. IM a decent place today, purdy good. MY Next day on with MM us Sunday. MY 3 day week with MM is done for the week as of this afternoon. it was a mONDAY - Wednesday - Friday, run loops for MM this week. Next week, will be a 4 day week starting SUNDAY.
The Journey continues...
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"